Addressing the Growing Need for Diverse Blood Donors in the US


The research on the growing need for various blood donors in the United States of America is proposed for submission to the American Journal of Nursing. The information below is to address such points of this paper as research steps (problem, purpose, question, hypothesis, and methodology). Steps in implementing the following project and impact on the nursing career will be provided as well.


The American Journal of Nursing was selected for submission of the following research. The given journal was established in 1990 and discusses present issues and topics that refer to the nursing practice. It is frequently used for various credible researches and professional articles. Moreover, all the journal articles can be found in the resource’s online database, including the one discussed below (Macintyre, 2017). Such categories as major articles and research briefs are mentioned in the journal’s guidelines, which are constantly used by scholars for their academic works. The American Nursing Journal articles are always based on credible information, which can easily be accessed online. Furthermore, this source is trustworthy and professional; nurses rate its statements very high.

Research Steps

Title of Project

The Growing Need for Diverse Blood Donors

Problem Statement

The increasing need for diverse blood donors is an inevitable factor in nursing care work, which has a significant impact on the health care system of the country. There are multiple daily accidents in the United States of America, which require blood donations. Such cases as railway accidents, industrial accidents, car accidents, and various skirmishes are widespread around the country. Regular citizens are not likely to donate their blood, which makes it difficult for hospitals to provide enough blood cell units to a person who needs it.

Purpose of the Project

The purpose of this research project is to identify how many people need blood cell units every day, how many people would gladly donate their blood to the health care system, and how the present problem can be solved if there is a lack of blood in the country’s blood banks. Moreover, it is necessary to analyze today’s situation in this sphere and to consult the sources that describe this issue in other countries, which might help to solve it here.

Research Questions

How to prevent American citizens from their blood losses and what actions need to be taken to provide a requested amount of blood cell units to every patient?


It is estimated that ordinary workers of such facilities as factories, manufactures, and other people that do other dangerous jobs, do not always follow their professional accident preventatives, which leads to a higher number of fatal cases and injuries. Ordinary citizens of the USA prefer not to donate their blood due to the possible risks to their health or due to the low reward that might be given to a donor for his or her blood.


This research is to analyze credible data and statistics about people who do dangerous jobs and the number of cases that happen every month, which will give an understanding of the blood amount required for the healing processes. Moreover, it would be proper to interview nurses and to ask how many blood cell units are not provided to the patients monthly. Hence, this project requires a quantitative methodology.

Steps of Research Implementation

It is necessary to collect and evaluate all the necessary data and to compare today’s situation to the indexes within the last hundred years. Next, it would be proper to search for credible sources that provide information about this issue and to study all possible ways of its resolution. The last step is to organize the discovered information and to write it down with the help of some visual aids.


The analyses were taken into account to show the significance of the blood donation problem and all of the provided information is taken into account by medical personnel. All the methods and goals to prevent the present problem are clear and achievable.


The country’s hospitals are not able to treat their patients adequately because there are not enough blood cell units in the banks. This research is to analyze and to evaluate information about the present issue and to offer particular methods of its further prevention to the nurses and to medical personnel, which might have its influence on the problem.

Impact on the Nursing Career

It is essential for nurses to be aware of the situation at the blood banks because they are obligated to provide the proper amount of blood cell units to a patient. Otherwise, the medical treatment to particular patients might be insufficient. The future nursing practice also requires knowledge to decide whether it is efficient to spend a particular amount of blood for a patient, which can be replaced with other medicine. Hence, nurses should reduce the waste of blood cell units as much as possible and provide blood only to people who are not likely to be healed with the help of other methods.


Macintyre, L. M. (2017). The growing need for diverse blood donors. American Journal of Nursing, 117(7), 44-48. doi:10.1097/01.naj.0000520945.31600.3f

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 1). Addressing the Growing Need for Diverse Blood Donors in the US.

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Addressing the Growing Need for Diverse Blood Donors in the US'. 1 January.

1. StudyCorgi. "Addressing the Growing Need for Diverse Blood Donors in the US." January 1, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "Addressing the Growing Need for Diverse Blood Donors in the US." January 1, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Addressing the Growing Need for Diverse Blood Donors in the US." January 1, 2021.

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