The Haitian People’s Unwavering Resilience in the Face of Adversity


The Dominican Republic and Haiti share the western coast of the island of Hispaniola, home to a tiny Caribbean country called Haiti. A severe earthquake that year left the nation in ruins on a large scale. The Haitian people have persevered in the face of these difficulties and are dedicated to reconstructing their nation. A thriving music and art scene, as well as a modest but expanding tourist sector, are also present in Haiti. Haiti’s history and customs, as well as its art, music, and religion, are firmly ingrained in the country’s culture. Although French is widely known, Haitian Creole is the most frequently spoken language in the country. Haiti’s most popular religion, voodoo, has a long history of ancestor worship and spirit possession. The country has experienced instability since the assassination of former president Juvenile Moise in 2021. Despite its difficulties, Haiti is nonetheless a very resilient and proud country. Its citizens are committed to overcoming their challenges and building a better future for the nation. Corruption, gang violence, climate change, and the crackdown on free speech represent the adversities that Haitians have faced.

People of Haiti

Over 11 million individuals make up Haiti’s dynamic and diversified population. According to Labrador, “since breaking free from French colonial rule, the Caribbean state has weathered multiple foreign interventions, natural disasters, and political instability”. Many different ethnic groups, including African, European, and Asian people, are part of the population (Haiti). A significant portion of Haitians has mixed African and European heritage, making up the bulk of the country’s population. Asian and Taino people comprise a significant portion of the country’s population. Although French is the country’s official language, many Haitians also speak Haitian Creole, an African-derived tongue. Haiti’s culture is incredibly varied, integrating elements from the Caribbean, Europe, and Africa (Freedom House). Haitian culture highly values music, and the country is well known for its exuberant carnivals and active art scene (Labrador). Haiti’s most popular religion, voodoo, has a long history of ancestor worship and spirit possession.

The people of Haiti are very resilient as they have survived decades of adversity and tyrannical governments by preserving their culture and customs. According to Labrador, “Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere”. The Haitian people have also been in the vanguard of other liberation battles, most notably the 19th-century battle against slavery (Labrador). As the first successful slave uprising in history, the Haitian Revolution of 1804 is still revered as a symbol of liberty and justice. According to a survey of 1,000 Haitian citizens conducted by the United Nations Development Programmer in 2020, the Haitian people have remained resilient (Haiti Remains in). The citizens are working hard to improve their lives and their country, which has recently experienced chaos and violence (Labrador). They are fiercely resilient and patriotic people committed to overcoming the challenges they have encountered and building a better future for their nation. However, there are significant issues that need to be sorted out to ensure the country can rise again.

Corrupt Government

Haiti’s severe corruption issue has significantly hampered the country’s expansion and development. The Haitian government is regarded as one of the most corrupt in the world, and it has a lengthy history of financial mismanagement and theft (Labrador). In Haiti, there are many types of corruption, such as bribery, theft, nepotism, and cronyism (Labrador). Corruption has cost the public sector billions of dollars, which has resulted in slow development. According to Ellis, “former president Juvenile Moise, whose companies were implicated in scandals, was reported to have a role in the promotion of gangs to support his political ends”. The president was assassinated by a group of mercenaries at his home in Port-au-Prince (Ellis). Bribery is the most common form of corruption in Haiti. Government employees often ask individuals for bribes in return for basic services (Haiti Remains in). There is a culture of impunity where individuals in positions of authority may take advantage of their status for their benefit. As a result of the public’s perception that their opinions need to be heard, there is also a loss of faith in the government.

Theft of public funds is another form of corruption in Haiti. This happens when individuals in positions of authority or the government abuse public money for personal gain. Corruption has led to a lack of funding for essential services like healthcare and education, which has worsened the country’s poverty (OHCHR). The Haitian administration functions through a system that encourages cronyism and nepotism. Instead of employing competent people for the job, many government posts are awarded to those with political ties. Therefore, corruption is a significant issue in Haiti and threatens the government’s ability to provide basic services to its citizens.

Gang Violence

In Haiti, gang violence is a severe problem that has resulted in problems for the country’s population. Gangs have developed and perpetrated violent crimes such as extortion, murder, and drug trafficking due to poverty, inequality, and a lack of access to basic services (Haiti). The deterioration of security can be blamed for the assassination of former president Juvenile Moise in 2021 (Ellis). The government of Haiti has sought to address this problem by boosting the presence of police and enacting tighter anti-gang laws, but the outcomes of these efforts have been inconsistent (Ellis). According to Ellis, “by the end of 2021, almost 100 gangs were operating in Haiti”. The fundamental causes of gang violence, such as poverty and inequality, must be addressed before effective measures can be taken to reduce gang violence (Ellis). Success over the long run requires a comprehensive plan that includes improved access to medical care, educational opportunities, and career opportunities.

To ensure a secure future for Haitians, poverty, inequality, and political instability must be addressed. Improving the economy, education, and healthcare access can change the situation. Social assistance, law enforcement, and economic opportunities may help reduce the number of people involved in gangs (Freedom House). Haiti needs foreign assistance to sustain these measures and ensure a peaceful and prosperous future (Labrador). Haiti can begin building infrastructure to ensure its residents’ safety and reduce gang violence using these strategies (OHCHR). Haiti cannot develop toward a more secure and prosperous future unless these prerequisites are met.

Crackdown on Free Speech

Haitians have historically faced violence and punishment for speaking up against injustice and expressing their beliefs. While protesters have been locked up, detained, and even killed, reporters have faced physical abuse and intimidation (Freedom House). According to Haiti, “BINUH (The United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti) documented 32 cases of attacks, threats, and intimidation against judges, human rights defenders, and journalists, from February 2021”. International human rights organizations have condemned the government’s handling of these instances and accused it of violating its citizens’ right to free expression (OHCHR). This has weakened public trust in the government and has significant effects on the media. The government must act to preserve the rights of its citizens to free speech and ensure that journalists may carry out their duties without fear of punishment (Ellis). Additionally, they must ensure that individuals who violate journalists’ and demonstrators’ rights are held accountable (World Report). By doing this, the government will send the message that it is committed to upholding the rights of its citizens and will not put up with any attempts to do so, enabling the development of a more equal and secure society.

Climate Change

Haiti faces danger from climate change since the nation is very susceptible to its effects. Haiti’s climate is already changing with increasing temperatures, frequent droughts and floods, and stronger storms (World Bank Climate Change). The nation’s ecology, economics, and public health have all suffered terribly due to these developments. According to World Bank Climate Change, “the major natural hazards that threaten Haiti are cyclones, floods, droughts, and landslides, with floods leading as the greatest threat and contributor to vulnerability”. Storms have become more frequent and intense, which has resulted in extensive devastation and billions of dollars in losses. The Haitian government has strengthened its coastal fortifications and implemented renewable energy initiatives to combat climate change (World Bank Climate Change). To lessen the effects of climate change and maintain the country’s long-term viability, however, much more has to be done. The government must pay special attention to cutting its carbon emissions and strengthening its resistance to the consequences of climate change (World Bank Climate Change). A comprehensive strategy that includes public awareness campaigns, improved infrastructure, and easier access to resources will be needed. The country will face additional issues if plans are not implemented immediately.


Haiti is a country in the Caribbean with a lengthy and complicated past. The Haitian people are resilient and committed to creating a better future for their nation despite their numerous obstacles. The country is dealing with many problems, including gang violence, climate change, and economic collapse. To solve these problems and guarantee the safety and security of its residents, the government must provide a working plan. This entails safeguarding their freedom of expression, addressing the underlying causes of gang violence, and taking steps to lessen the effects of climate change. The government has to address these challenges to prevent a complete loss of credibility.

Work Cited

Haiti Remains in ‘Acute Political and Institutional Crisis’, Security Council Hears.” UN News, Web.

Haiti.” Human Rights Watch, Web.

Ellis, Evan. “Haiti: The Crisis No One Wants to Own and the Future of Latin America.” Global Americans, Web.

Freedom House. “Haiti.” Freedom House, Web.

Labrador, Rocio Cara. “Haiti’s Troubled Path to Development.” Council on Foreign Relations, Web.

OHCHR. “Haiti: International Community Must Act Now to Avert Tragedy – Türk.” OHCHR, Web.

World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal. Web.

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