Girl Scouts National Capital: Legacy of Juliette Gordon Low

Girl Scouts National Capital started with a woman named Juliette Gordon Low. When she was 51, Juliette organized an international movement in 1912 that sparked a strong reaction among girls around the world. Her idea and goal were to create a community where girls were aware of their strength, intelligence and personality because, at that time women were not allowed to vote. “Daisy,” as her family and friends kindly called Juliet, wanted to share her experience and knowledge about the latest progressive curriculum for young people that she had received abroad. That’s why she created a group of 18 girls in Savannah, the city where she lived. This is what gave rise to the Girl Scout Movement, where the foundations for future generations of girls around the world were laid.

Girl Scouts National Capital was created from the idea of one ambitious woman, whose goal was bringing together girls of all races and ages. She wanted to break the boundaries limiting and separating those girls and make the world more significant for them. Juliet wanted all the girls in the world, regardless of their race, age or social status, to be able to develop, grow and become leaders (“Timeline: Girl Scouts in History More Than a Century of Making a Difference” par 5).

Through her sociability, public relations, and leadership skills, Juliette succeeded in founding Girl Scouts National Capital, a movement that is still popular around the world today. In America, during the Great Depression, Girl Scouts provided help, they collected food and clothing for those who needed it. However, in addition to volunteering and social assistance, Girl Scouts went hiking, camping, learning to recognize time by the stars, and learning foreign languages to broaden their horizons. At that time, it was especially important for the development of women history and their path to create a new society that is more open-minded.

This movement was found over a century ago, but even now people in different countries of the world know about this organization. It is known for its policy and attitude towards the development of a younger generation of women around the world. According to Robertson, the organization currently has 2.6 million girls in 92 countries who are united by friendship, love of adventure and the desire to do good and create history (par.2).

Currently, the Girl Scout program consists of 4 bases: STEM, street activities, survival skills, and entrepreneurial skills. All these fundamentals teach Girl Scouts to be strong, resourceful, progressive, and ambitious, as it is the path of progress and development for all women in the world. Success is measured by human actions and achievements, not status and money, which is what girls are taught in Girl Scouts National Capital.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that these girls can influence and change this world for the better. What they learn at Girl Scouts National Capital is a very strong basis for the development of future generations and their life skills. These skills, which they learn during their studies, can also be the basis for those girls who are not part of the movement. This world becomes a better and more beautiful place when it has an educated and conscious society. Such a society that is full of kindness, understanding, and desire to do something great for the benefit of all humanity. Modern society increasingly needs such strong women who can create a better community through their deeds and actions.

Works Cited

Robertson, Ann. “Archives & History. Archives & History Program Center in honor of Diane Tipton.”. 2019.

Timeline: Girl Scouts in History More Than a Century of Making a Difference.”. 2018.

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