Analyzing 19th-Century Slavery Compromises and Their Impact


Slavery was one of the most controversial aspects that were widely discussed in the 19th century. These discussions, eventually, contributed to the start of the Civil War and the development of the United States of America (Kennedy & Cohen, 2015). In the middle of the 19th century, states tried to compromise although preserving the focus on their economic and political interests. These attempts led to the enactment of various laws including the Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, and Kansas-Nebraska Act. These acts were effective in terms of the context of the search for future models for the country. This paper includes a brief analysis of the effectiveness of the laws mentioned above as they related to the start of the Civil War and the further formation of the United States of America.

Main body

All these acts are developed and enacted to ensure that the economic and political interests of slaveholders and the opponents of slavery could be met. New territories were divided between the two camps as some new states were free of slavery while other areas could rely on the slavery-based economy. This division was partially satisfactory for all the stakeholders and had almost no meaningful effect on the debate concerning slavery. The major significance of these laws was their failed compromises. Ironically, the attempts were not successful, which proved to be beneficial for the development of the country. Both camps (slaveholders and slavery opponents) acknowledged that there could be no compromise and the conflict was inevitable. Some may regard these acts as agreements that postponed the development of the USA. However, it is more likely that the laws made it clear that no other option was available and slavery was doomed.


In conclusion, it is necessary to note that the acts were aimed at settling economic models in the new territories. The compromises had a temporary effect, which can be seen as their failure regarding their objectives. However, the impact of these laws is fundamental as they made Americans see that slavery could not exist. The acts were important milestones in the history of the USA.

Annotated Bibliography

Civil War and its consequences. (1861). Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Web.

This is a primary source as it is an article from the newspaper published in 1861. It reveals major views concerning the war that existed in Northern states. The author states that it is unclear who will win or when the war will be over. However, it is clear that it will be rather long and destructive. The author also stresses that the war is inevitable as Southerners and Northerners failed to find solutions that could satisfy everyone. The view of New Yorkers is mentioned. It is clear that people were against the war as well as the rule of Republicans.

Doyle, D. H. (2017). Introduction: The Atlantic World and the crisis of the 1860s. In D. H. Doyle (Ed.), American Civil Wars: The United States, Latin America, Europe, and the crisis of the 1860s (pp. 1-14). Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Press Books.

This is a secondary source as the author uses data from various (primary and secondary) sources. The article includes an interesting perspective on the reasons for and the impact of the American Civil War. Doyle (2017) states that the war was not confined to internal issues of the United States as the situation in Europe, Latin American, and Canada had a substantial effect on the development of the country. The author stresses that the mentioned countries went through crises that had an impact on the development of the entire region.

Hummel, J. (2013). Emancipating slaves, enslaving free men: A history of the American Civil War (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Open Court.

This is a secondary source as the author refers to various primary and secondary sources written and published since the 19th century. Hummel (2013) concentrates on slavery and its impact on the development of the United States. The author claims that it was one of the key factors that made the Civil War inevitable. Apart from that, the author provides an analysis of the course of the war, as well as its major outcomes. Hummel (2013) also pays considerable attention to the political aspect. For example, the creation of the Republican Party and the politics of Reconstruction are examined in detail.

Important from Montgomery; Inauguration of Jefferson Davis as President of the Southern Confederacy. His inaugural address. The policy of the New Government foreshadowed. (1861). The New York Times. Web.

This is a primary source as it is an article written and published several months before the start of the Civil War. This inaugural address reveals the views of people supporting the military solution of the conflict situation. The new President stresses that it is impossible for Southern states to remain a part of the Union as their rights are not respected. The speaker emphasizes that their right to pursue their economic goals has been violated for decades and slavery is the only available economic model for the South.

Mitchell, R. (2013). The American Civil War, 1861-1865. New York, NY: Routledge.

This is a secondary source as the author analyzes numerous primary documents and secondary sources when considering the events that took place in the 19th century. The book contains texts from some useful primary sources, which helps the reader to get a complete picture. The book covers the period between 1861 and 1865. However, the author sheds light on various events that led to the Civil War. Mitchell (2013) also examines the major consequences of the war.

Murphy, D. J. (2015). Naval strategy during the American Civil War. New York, NY: Pickle Partners Publishing.

This is a secondary source as the author refers to various primary and secondary sources. Murphy (2015) provides a detailed analysis of the naval strategies of both armies, and the impact these forces had on the course of the war. The author pays specific attention to the discussion of the technology that appeared in the 19th century. It is stressed that technology was one of the factors that led to the American Civil War.

Reid, B. H. (2014). The origins of the American Civil War. New York, NY: Routledge.

This is a secondary source as the author refers to various primary and secondary sources written and published decades after the Civil War. Reid (2014) provides an in-depth analysis of the major reasons for the tension between the South and North. The author also explores numerous factors that resulted in the commencement of the Civil War. Special attention is paid to slavery and its impact on the history of the USA.

Sainlaude, S. (2017). France’s grand design and the Confederacy. In D. H. Doyle (Ed.), American Civil Wars: The United States, Latin America, Europe, and the crisis of the 1860s (pp. 107-124). Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Press Books.

This is a secondary source as the author refers to both primary and secondary sources to support his ideas. Sainlaude (2017) draws the reader’s attention to the role France played in the development of the United States in the middle of the 19th century. The author stresses that the Confederacy was a desirable format for France as it pursued its goals to expand the so-called Second Empire. Although France focused on Mexico, the strong government in the United States was a significant obstacle as the United States had its interests in the region.

Sexton, J. (2017). The Civil War and U.S. world power. In D. H. Doyle (Ed.), American Civil Wars: The United States, Latin America, Europe, and the crisis of the 1860s (pp. 15-33). Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Press Books.

This is a secondary source as the author uses information from secondary and primary sources that have been written and published since the 1840s. Sexton (2017) emphasizes that the Civil War was one of the ways to secure the new country’s independence. The consolidation of all the Americans ensured the country’s ability to address any attempts of the Old World to recolonize its territories. The Civil War also turned out to be one of the factors that contributed to the rise of the USA as one of the leading geopolitical powers.

Who is responsible for the war? (1861). Web.

This is a primary source as it is an article (dated 1861) that includes extracts from a speech given in 1861. This article reveals the anti-war views of some high-rank Southern politicians. The Vice-President of the Confederate States stresses that war cannot be the solution as it is much better to use political and peaceful instruments. The politician believes that the government that has existed for decades can handle the situation and reach a suitable compromise.

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