The Houston Riot 1917 from Primary Sources

During the time of the mutiny of African American Troops in 1917, racism prevailed significantly in the US. People of color were against racist government officers and systems, while the whites wanted to preserve their supremacy. This led to the outbreak of many rebellions in the US, including one in Houston. This study will evaluate the main reason it happened and provide several things that can be learned from it.

The main cause of this riot was racism that prevailed in the US. The 24 infantry was a group of soldiers who had been sent to Houston to guard Camp Logan. However, they faced racial discrimination from the city officers, who did not want to treat them like white soldiers. This led to resistance from the 24 infantries, who started a riot from the West End, resulting in the death of thirteen people and the wounding 19 others.

What can be learned from this document is that martial law is essential in bringing peace in times of emergency crisis. In times of martial law, there are several changes in how people should operate, and they are usually informed about it through press releases or newspapers. For instance, in Houston, people were not allowed to carry firearms, and bars and saloons remained closed. The author’s main argument is based on the adverse effects of racism against minority ethnic groups and the effects it has.

This study showed the negative effects of racism on the whites when the rebellion started in Houston in 1917. It led to the death of many people and the wounding of others, leading to the calling of martial law, which indicates perilous situations. When people feel overwhelmed by social injustices, they are bound to resist; therefore, they ought to be treated fairly to avoid such rebellions.


Moody, D. (1917). The Houston Post reports the mutiny of African American Troops. Houston Post.

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