The Humanities Studies of Human Cruelty

World history shows us that human cruelty has no limits; unfortunately, people will constantly clash with it. One recent example of a man’s cruel, immoral treatment of another man was the case of the murder of George Floyd. On May 25, 2020, while attempting to arrest Floyd, police officer Derek Chauvin laid the suspect on the ground and strangled him with his knee. For 8 minutes and 46 seconds, the police officer squeezed Floyd’s neck, occasionally releasing his grip, resulting in the suspect’s death (Sky News, 2020). This high-profile situation received significant publicity and spawned the Black Live Matters movement, whose members protested against police violence against black people. Attacks, riots, expressions of their own, and the demands of the participants have been making waves across Attacks, riots, self-expression, and participant demands have long been buzzing all over America and Europe. Cases of human abuse need to be used to study the humanities.

The humanities, which are based on the study of human relationships, will be most helpful in studying the phenomenon of human cruelty. Situations that manifest a particular harshness of man-to-man allow society to reconsider their views and principles to reduce the number of such incidents. For example, consider the above case involving the death of a suspect in custody; people responsible for teaching the humanities, such as law, may want to reconsider their methods of detaining suspects. Change the way and the possibilities of the police officer when apprehending suspects so that they have at least a chance to stay alive until trial. In examining this case, consider options for suspects’ rights to reduce trauma, killing suspects while being apprehended. These actions are necessary to ensure the safety of detainees, regardless of the severity of the crime, because everyone has the right to life and a fair trial.

In addition to jurisprudence, humanity might reconsider people’s training in the science of ethics. More often than not, people who are not trained in ethics and the rules in society commit such immoral acts, endangering other community members. When ethical standards guide every citizen, humanity will have fewer human abuse cases. Finally, the chances of abuse are an occasion to study the psychological aspects of human cruelty, what lies at the root of their causes, and the timely diagnosis and correction of patients. Improved methods of diagnosis and timely treatment of such subjects with behavioral disorders will allow society to feel much safer, thereby improving the psychosocial background.

This case is also well suited to the situation in terms of political science. Floyd’s murder led to mass riots against law enforcement, with protesters demanding the resignation of the killer policeman and a review of police reform (Subramanian & Arzy, 2021). The state government listened to protesters’ demands, reduced the number of police officers, and lowered officers’ pay (Subramanian & Arzy, 2021). The consequences of these decisions were pronounced immoral behavior of some protesters, whom the police could not stop according to the ban of the ruling party (Taylor, 2021). This case is a reason to reconsider the political party’s actions and decide whether they were correct.

Society will constantly be confronted with violent human behavior. Cruelty is a peculiar expression of negative emotions that cannot be removed from the human psyche. Society is left to study such cruelty to develop a kind of cure and social rules to minimize cruelty toward people. By examining cases of inappropriate behavior, people discover new terms and concepts in the humanities. Through the use of the humanities in studying the case of cruelty, people have gained more laws and rules to follow. These laws have resulted in the most peaceful times humanity has ever experienced.


Sky News. 2020. “8 Minutes and 46 Seconds: The Killing of George Floyd | Full Documentary.” YouTube Video. YouTube.

Subramanian, R., & Arzy, L. (2021). State Policing Reforms since George Floyd’s Murder | Brennan Center for Justice.

Taylor, D. B. (2021). George Floyd Protests: A Timeline. The New York Times.

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