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The Importance of Job Satisfaction


Work pleasure is a necessity in every work place. More experienced employees are said to be more satisfied with their work than the junior ones. According to Levy (2009 p. 112), job evaluation is important for every worker as it enables one to choose the job that most satisfies him. Employers should determine of the quality of work each worker does. This will help the employer to know how to motivate them to work even harder or better. Rewarding workers when they do something good can make them contented with the organization. Employee’s salary may be increased as a show of appreciation. He may also be given money as incentives.

Robbins (2008 p. 278) indicated that employees can as well be rewarded without necessarily giving them money. Non monetary incentives are things to like giving those doing their work well trips retreats and holidays, organizing parties, presents or even awarding them with promotions. The management should make the workers contented and pleased with what they do so that can be more productive. Whether an employee contented with what he does, some trends tend to crop up or create other effects. These could be things like not availing themselves at their work places.

Employee turnover affects the productivity of the company. An employee being able to stay in a given job depends on how satisfied he or she is. This could also affect the status of a given individuals how able they can take care of themselves. For an employer to get what he wants this could depend on how his workers are pleased.

Literature review

Herzberg Theory states that the job satisfaction states that job satisfaction is based on the hygienic factors. He explained that there are things that make one be contented with the job he is doing. Some things make someone not to be contented with the job he is doing. Each employer should focus on the intrinsic factors. An employer who pleased with the work he is more productive.

Schuler & Jackson (2007, p. 127) There are many ways in which an employer may be motivated. Workers are supposed to be rewarded so that they may become motivated. Motivated employees will deliver more than one who is not motivated. Rewards may be in monetary or non monetary terms. Monetary include things like increasing workers salary. Giving a worker some money as a show of appreciation, may motivate one to work harder. Non monetary terms may include promoting a person when he does something good.

According to Beardwell (2007, p. 123) he discussed that incentives may increase the workers satisfaction. Rewarding employees may increase their satisfaction, or it may reduce it. Job satisfaction depends on the way a worker is treated at the work place. If a worker feels that he is treated as being important, he will increase the effort he applies to his work. If the individuals are not rewarded equally, it may reduce the productivity of the worker. Management should do an early planning on the reward system.

The management should not show favors in their way of rewarding employees.

According to Hitt (2008, p. 89) contentment in work place will result to a positive job attitude. Contentment results from the evaluation of individual’s skills. Self evaluation is very important for every worker. It helps one to understand his job and work harder. The environment should be conducive for the workers. Every worker is more productive in a good work place. Workers are more productive in an environment where they do not have much difference with each other.

The differences between the employees may result from the way the different ways they are treated by the seniors. Employee’s feelings towards job must have a significant illusion on how a worker does his or her job. Research has proved job satisfaction as a force towards work. Every employer strives to ensure that his employees are satisfied with their work.

Kail & Cavanaugh (2008, p. 58) explained that satisfied employees are more likely to frequent work place than unsatisfied ones. The rate of absenteeism for the satisfied employees is very low. If the salary one is paid is satisfying, he would not think of doing an alternative task. Salary is one of the major issues that influence job satisfaction. A well paid worker is more contented with his work. The person will be more committed to the organization when he or she is contented.

An employee may serve in an organization for a long time provided that he is contented with his work. The behavior of an employee also depends on his satisfaction. When a worker is satisfied he tends to behave well. An employee may act rudely towards his employer as a result of not being contented with his work. The bad behavior lowers the performance of the worker hence the company’s general performance.

McGregor explains that satisfaction of an employee is base on two theories. Theory X explains on the negative side of the worker. It if a worker is not satisfied with his job, he tends to be lazy, dependent. He can never be trusted with any work. And on the other hand, he explains with the theory Y that satisfied employee is hardworking, independent. An employee will do his work without much supervision. An employer can entrust the work to such kind of employee. Workers who work for longer hours than what is fixed should be rewarded. The overtime payment should be put in a way that is higher than the actual pay.

Bohlander & Snell (2009, p. 178) have explained that employees should be encouraged to do more overtime job hence becoming more productive. Employees may also be paid based on the amount of work they do. The work an employee does may be measured and paid accordingly. This will encourage them to work harder so that they may accomplish more work hence more pay. Payment may be done based on commission.A worker may be paid depending on the amount of work he/she does. This will act as an enticement to the worker. Every worker will struggle so as to get high pay. Employees who achieved the target can also be rewarded.

This will encourage other employees to work even harder. Target should be set for every employee. The management should stipulate a way of recognizing an employee who works hard. Other companies reward the employees by offering them some shares in the company. Miner (2005, p. 46) hinted that the employees may be rewarded using the monetary terms. A company may also provide work security to the workers who work hard.

There is nothing more discouraging in the work place than being insecure about the job. Employee’s monthly pay may be increased. Rewarding increases their productivity. Rewarding the employees will increase their satisfaction.

Hierarchy of needs theory states that an employee is satisfied if his needs are satisfied. The salary an employee requires should be considered so that he may become satisfied. Mathis & Jackson (2007, p. 245) indicated that time schedule of an employee as well as that of an employer should also be considered. Company needs target in so as to be doing well. Set targets will encourage the workers to put more effort in work. Every company strives to have a way of motivating the workers to put more effort in their work. Encouraging the employers to do more work will result in more production in the organization.

Employee’s intrinsic needs must be based in the reward system. The needs of the individuals may vary. Hellriegel & Slocum (2007, p. 169) indicated that an old lady’s needs are not the same as the young man’s needs. These needs should be considered in rewarding them. A young man may be given a computer or a radio. An old lady may be rewarded by going her with good necklace or buying her good dinner dress. These needs are supposed to be considered so as to satisfy.

Rewards can be done in monetary or non monetary terms. Some people may like being rewarded by use of money or the non monetary terms. An employee may be rewarded by giving him a company’s car to use. Another way of rewarding an individual may be by providing him with a good office. When someone works hard he may be moved to a bigger office. A person may also be rewarded by providing him with a free medical cover.

Medical cover is a very important thing and most companies’ tax employees for the medial cover. This theory supports any form of appreciation. However this reward must satisfy an employee’s needs. Job satisfaction affects labour market. It has been studied in psychology that employee who is contented with his work is more productive as per Kalat (2007, p. 201). A person who is satisfied has a stable mind that can think and perform. Job satisfaction is considered as a strong forecaster of the general productivity of the firm. The productivity of the company will be measured on the abilities of the employees.

Hodson & Sullivan (2007, p. 127) indicated that satisfaction is another way of evaluating that an employer is about to leave the job or is still staying for a length of time. Workers should be happy with their work as it is where they earn their living from. As a human, employers must as well struggle to make their workers happy listening to their grievances and acting accordingly. Employees who work in a firm for a longer time are more profitable. This is because they get enough experience. Experienced employees produce quality work. They also influence market as their friends will like buying from them. Temporary workers are unprofitable. Other workers take a lot of time teaching the new workers on the way of working. The workers should be encouraged to stick to the company by rewarding them when they do something good.

According to Mullins (2007, p. 189) satisfaction is evaluated by the use the wants that an employee needs in a job and what he actually gets. This theory further explains that the way an employee’s values the job also shows the way he is satisfied with his work. An employer should do anything possible not to discourage an employee in his work.. For an example if an employee values freedom in the work place. The supervisor should give him freedom. He should be left to work under low or no supervision. This will make him satisfied and will be more productive. Satisfaction depends on the way the anticipations are achieved.

The expectations of an employee are very important in the work place. However, it is almost impossible that every worker’s anticipations are met. The employer should therefore work in a way that the common expectations of all workers are met. If most of the workers prefer working in a clean environment, the employer should ensure that the place of work is clean every time. Parbury (2009, p. 245) indicated that employees should be made to have high self esteem.

Self esteem has been proven to bring satisfaction in the work place. Someone with a high self esteem is more likely to be productive. Employers should not harass the employees when they do not perform well as this may lower their self esteem.

Talking to an employee in a good way, valuing the work they do will increase their self esteem. Vroom explained in his theory that motivation of a worker depends on his perception. Hodson & Sullivan (2007, p. 124) showed that the worker may perceive the work of an organization as being important or less important. The effort used in work depends on the way an individual perceives the goal of an organization. Effort needed to meet the set target, the likelihood of meeting the set target all depends on the motivation of the worker. This opinion is influenced by the workers’ past jobs. The know-how helps one to have a better self evaluation. This evaluation will better the productivity of the worker.

Callaway (2007, p. 201) indicated that the worker should be given an opportunity to evaluate himself so as to increase the understanding of the work he is expected to do. In addition to this, a worker may be rewarded so as to increase his productivity. Individual essential needs may be considered in rewarding. Another one is the non essential reward. Individual may prefer being rewarded with non essential things like a trip to some exiting places. The rewards must satisfy a worker. This shows the importance of planning for the reward process. A good plan will lead to a good reward system.

Positive reinforcement is where someone is appreciated for doing something good. Negative reinforcement is whereby somebody is made to face the consequences of failing to do good job. Aamodt (2009, p. 47) highlighted that an employee who is rewarded with money is more likely to perform better than an employee who is not rewarded. An employee may be given some money as incentives. Salary scale may also be raised if an employee has been working hard. Take an example of a company which has a rule that every employee will have his salary increased by a quarter when he meets the set target. Every worker will work hard to meet the set target so as to have his salary increased. An employee may be punished if he does something that may course a downfall of an organization.

Werner & Desimone (2008, p. 250) indicated that punishment makes the employees shun away from doing mistakes in their work. When an employee is doing a good job but fails to display a good behavior at work. He may not be rewarded for his good job. Failing to reward may make him change the bad behavior like coming to work late. All these issues will motivate the workers to put more effort in the work place. This will also lead to job satisfaction.

Rensis Likert introduced a model that is used in determining work contentment. This is called the Likert scale. Questions may also be used. The employees are asked a lot of information which requires them to give answers. Another way is by the use of check list. Employees may be given a list to check on what they have been satisfied with in the work place. This determination is very important as it enables the management in making decision.


Job satisfaction is a very important issue in every organization. Workers who are satisfied with their work are more productive. O’Toole, et al., (2007, p. 97) indicated that satisfaction of the workers depends on the way the employees are treated in the work place. Employees who are valued are contented. Another thing that influences job satisfaction is the salary that the workers are given. Well paid workers are satisfied with the work they do. Another thing is autonomy. Workers who have enough freedom are more productive.

Callaway (2007, p. 198) indicated that employees who work under low or no supervision will feel more trusted thus more profitable. Self esteem is another factor that influences contentment. Workers with a high self esteem are more contented. Employers should work in a way that encourages the workers to have a high self esteem hence increasing their productivity. Rewarding employees can also influence their profitability. An employee should be rewarded when he does something good. An employee may be given money as a show of appreciation. Employee’s salary may also be increased. Promotion may also be given to the hard working employees. Some may be given some time off work.

However, the reward system should be just. All employees must be rewarded equally when they do good job. Werner & Desimone (2008, p. 245) indicated that the management should not favor other employees as this will discourage others. Rewards influences job satisfaction. Past experiences another factor. An individual who has the know-how of the work he is doing is more satisfied with the job. Employers should consider the experience of the workers when giving them a job.


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