The Importance of the Risk Assessment


A significant number of different diseases pose a severe threat to the lives of many people around the world. Unfortunately, for some of them, such as cancer, only limited treatments are available that do not guarantee the absence of a lethal outcome. However, the early detection and prevention recommendations will allow the patient to significantly improve their health indicators. This essay will discuss recommendations from the Washington University School of Medicine’s Siteman Cancer Center regarding risk factors. Although there is little risk of diabetes after passing the assessment, essential steps, such as eating more whole grains, will help minimize risk factors.


After passing the risk assessment test regarding diabetes disease, my result was a low possible risk. However, the system has offered me specific recommendations on how to reduce the risk. Among them are eating more whole grains and cutting down on refined starches (Your Disease Risk, 2020). In addition, there is a recommendation for regular blood sugar testing. It is noteworthy that the test results are in the form of a diagram, through which one can visually determine their risk. When one presses the recommendation button, one can observe how the level of risk on the diagram decreases.

What I have learned

During the test, I was asked questions not only about my diet, which can affect the onset of diabetes. Apart from that, there were questions about my age, weight, height, my habits like smoking and alcohol, and others. Therefore, I learned that in assessing the potential risks of diabetes, it is vital to consider the overall health and lifestyle of the person, not only their nutritional state. In addition, I have learned that, even with a low level of possible risk, it is worth taking specific steps to minimize it and regularly undergoing medical examination.


In conclusion, it is essential to stress the importance of the timely implementation of specific measures to prevent diseases such as diabetes. The risk assessment process is a vital tool that can help in this. Based on the responses, the person can obtain detailed data and advice which will help them to decrease the possible risk gradually. This approach is user-friendly and time-consuming, presenting results as accessible and understandable information with visual elements.


Your Disease Risk. (2020). Siteman Cancer Center. Web.

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