The Infographics Creation: Key Aspects

The proposed infographic shows three main pictures, some text, and color background. Some aspects interfere with the typical perception of this infographic and require changes. Thus, for example, the color background consists of two alternating colors, as well as some blurry images on the background. To make the essential information better perceived, it is better to leave one background color and blurry images (Ebaid & Crewther, 2019).

In addition, in general, several colors are used on infographics that do not harmonize with each other in any way, which makes the perception of infographics uncomfortable. Using several colors at once that do not harmonize with each other violates the rules of color ratio, which prevents a person from concentrating on essential information (Lazarus, 2021). In order for infographics to be perceived better, it is necessary to adjust the color palette and make it harmonious.

In addition, the infographic uses a different font, which significantly disrupts perception. In this case, the phenomenon of binocular rivalry arises, which leads to the fact that some of the information is not perceived at all (Fanguy, 2022). That is, during processing information, each eye stops at one thing, and a different font does not allow the information to be perceived correctly. To fix this, it is necessary to concentrate on one type of font and highlight one word at a time that is considered the main ones and on which it is worth focusing a person’s attention.

This exercise helped to understand what to pay attention to when creating an infographic. It helped to see the mistakes that should not be made when creating an image aimed at attracting people’s attention. I realized every detail of the image, including color, harmony, and fonts, is essential. It is necessary to think carefully about what exactly infographics are created for and what exactly is its central idea, and subsequently, it is required to focus on this.


Ebaid, D. & Crewther, S. (2019). Visual information processing in young and older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 11(116), 1-12. Web.

Fanguy, W. (2022). Seeing is believing: 5 studies about visual information processing. Piktochart. Web.

Lazarus, R. (2021). What is visual information processing? Optometrists. Web.

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