Urban Industry and Reconstruction


The Smart City system is a beneficial solution to problems with industrial zones that negatively affect the environment and their residents. The Industrial Revolution has an impact on the industrialization of cities and Steam engines. Even though many cities tried to replicate the industrialization system, the urban development was disproportionate due to the migration of rural people to cities.


People who have settled on the outskirts of cities are poisoned by toxic substances released from factories, polluting the air and water [1]. With an increase in the population, the quality of life deteriorates, and the consequence of overpopulation may be increasing crime. For this reason, reconstruction should be implemented, and it is proposed to introduce an intelligent city structure in the industrial zones of Santa Catarina, Nuevo Leon, and Mexico [1]. It is necessary to improve social conditions comprehensively. In addition, society and environment interaction should be ensured, and thus an ethic of caring for others and balance is developed. With an increase in the number of people, the decline of the social structure is one of the causes of the disorder, which leads to the disappearance of security in society.

In the modern world, more suitable materials are used in industrialization than in ancient times. Architecture is advanced enough to provide cities with a beautiful and aesthetic appearance and ensure practicality [1]. To improve the social structure of one city, it is worth looking at and comparing the modernization of other cities of other countries, turning them into smart cities. An intelligent city puts citizens in the center to actively participate in civic life [1]. In addition, a remarkable city ensures transparency between the government and citizens and an even distribution of energy resources.


Since the municipality of Santa Catarina is actively engaged in urban management, there is air pollution and an increase in crime. Because factories occupy ample space, there are not enough green areas [1]. Most of the population is young people, so it is proposed to open sports complexes so that they can communicate with each other and promote sports. In general, the government has a great responsibility for reconstructing the city [1]. Moreover, technology allows using architecture in such a way that it positively impacts society.


[1] M. Ch. Villanueva, R. F. Rivera de Dios & A. Cr García, How Using Architectural Technology Can Improve Reconstructing Social Structure in an Industrial Sector. SHS Web of Conferences 139, 01004, 2022.

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