The Information on Adult Daycare Centers

Adult daycare is being described as a gap filler between institutional and non-institutional care? Do you agree or disagree? Why?

As the research of the information on adult daycare and home health services shows, these institutions come together as the inter-connected medical services that are capable of assisting adult patients on a permanent and long-term basis. Overall, when it comes to the issue of long-term care, the intersection between short-term institutional services and the necessity of non-institutional medical services for patients does not provide full benefits for patients requiring constant care. Therefore, I agree that the gap between institutional and non-institutional care might be filled by adult daycare facilities.

Institutional medical care provides short-term services and does not ensure durable rehabilitation opportunities for patients with chronic or acute conditions. However, the vulnerable population of patients subject to medical supervision needs continuous professional assistance, which is not always guaranteed by caregivers or family members. On the other hand, non-institutional facilities fail to provide long-term supervision and care that is necessary for the patients. According to the National Adult Day Services Association (NADSA) (n. d.), adult daycare centers are designed as community-based institutions that combine medical and socialization models to meet the multifaceted demands of adult patients and fill the gap between institutional and non-institutional care.

Indeed, adult daycare facilities are equipped with qualified medical staff and appropriate accommodation to facilitate rehabilitation and treatment during the daytime. Seniors can enjoy the benefits of socializing and being assisted in rehabilitation while having continuous access to medical interventions and medication intake supervision (NADSA, n.d.). At the same time, the patients still have an opportunity to stay with their families or caregivers during the time outside the adult daycare centers, which diversifies their experience and contributes to their welling. Thus, long-term care facilities, such as adult daycare, allow for filling the gap between institutional and non-institutional care for senior patients.


National Adult Day Services Association. (n. d.). Adult day services beyond the borders [Data set]. Web.

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