The Internet Impact on Social Reality


Social networks have a high number of members in order to organize their use and create specific algorithms that try to create specific algorithms that try to establish control over the life of society. The debate space between cyber-optimists and cyber-pessimists is disputing how the Internet can change social reality. The first say that the Internet promotes social development and helps public institutions to regulate social interactions. The others, accordingly, believe that the Internet is a destructive element, which gives additional tools to opponents of democracy and the liberal community. It slows down the development of society and reduces the intensity of communication between people. Many citizens are concerned about the impact of the Internet on their lives, but the vast majority appreciate its impact. I am a cyber-optimist, so I argue that the Internet is an opportunity for the development of society and the automation of most processes.


It should be emphasized that social media provides many opportunities for communication, especially when it is limited. For example, as the experience during the worldwide coronavirus pandemic demonstrated, people did not have the ability to meet in person, even if they lived close to each other. Therefore, the use of the Internet, particularly social networks and video communication, made it possible to bring families together and maintain spirits (Wong, 2020). The support of loved ones during the epidemic, when people were in self-isolation, allowed those with mild symptoms to overcome the disease and not spread it. Moreover, I took great advantage of the Internet for self-development during the period of the pandemic. That is, many universities and libraries opened up their archives, which had previously been available for a fee. Accordingly, I was able to improve my knowledge through authoritative literature. I also completed many courses online taught by professors from various universities and received certificates. If the Internet had not existed, this time would not have been used productively; perhaps I would have watched soap operas and just procrastinated.

Counter Argument

The damage from the significant influence of the Internet is growing. Sometimes it seems that it is not people controlling technology but digital direction managing humans. Social networks have many algorithms that aim to assess people’s desires and suggest relevant data to them. Therefore, for example, Facebook enables individuals with common interests to coordinate their own actions. Accordingly, mass protests arise, which can be organized by extremists and lead to the killing of people (Wong, 2020). At the same time, though, social media is also used for positive purposes. I often see appeals for fundraisers for sick and infirm people.

It is also a way for individuals to coordinate actions and come out for community service needed by the city, with the help of the Internet. For example, I have participated in tree planting in a park to restore nature’s resources. That is, such actions are for the benefit of people and the community and attract many residents. Similarly, the Internet often helps organize rallies necessary to restore human rights and freedoms. For example, people can coordinate their efforts to convey their demands to the government or other administrations in a peaceful way. As a consequence, their proposals will definitely be heard and, if possible, executed.


Thus, it can be noted that the time people spend on social media can have negative and positive aspects. The opinions of representatives of different groups are quite valid and deserve to exist. I believe there are many more benefits to using social media than there are negatives. The important thing is to direct one’s actions to the suitable activities and control the time that can be spent in the Internet.


Wong, J. C. (2020). The hate Facebook fosters destroys lives. Here’s what it did to me. The Guardian. Web.

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