The Intersection of Music and Literature: Analyzing “Erlkönig” and “The Benefits of Luxury”


Literature and music have always shared a bond, each providing unique storytelling and aesthetic expression platforms. Oliver Goldsmith’s “The Benefits of Luxury, In Making a People More Wise and Happy” from Sporre’s textbook (2014) and Franz Schubert’s “Erlkönig” from OxfordLieder’s YouTube channel (2013) both offer insightful perspectives on the human experience, emotions, and societal observations. I was able to examine the abilities of music and literature to tell stories and evoke emotions via their analysis, as well as to critically evaluate the effects of luxury on people and society.

Learning from “Erlkönig”

“Erlkönig” attracted me because of its strength and the fact that it told a story entirely through music. I was captivated by the intense feelings and technical difficulty. On the other hand, “The Benefits of Luxury, In Making a People More Wise and Happy” caught my attention since it explored luxury’s effects on people and society in a thought-provoking manner. I was drawn to the article because of its applicability to modern culture and its capacity to elicit reflection.

I learned through studying “Erlkönig” that lyrics are unnecessary for music to convey feelings and tell stories. I learned how various musical motifs are used to describe characters and how dynamics affect how emotions are evoked. They fully met my expectations as one of the most influential pieces of art of their time.

Learning from “The Benefits of Luxury”

From “The Benefits of Luxury,” I understood that luxury only makes society curious about knowledge. I was able to evaluate luxury’s impacts critically and take society’s overall effects into account. “Erlkönig” was both fascinating and emotionally compelling since it dramatized the path of son and father on the way home. The idea of trusting the son and the danger from the evil creature was clear. In “The Benefits of Luxury,” I found myself thinking about my beliefs and attitudes about luxury, relating them to actual situations, and considering how my desire for knowledge and sensual emotion are connected.

Attractions in “Erlkönig”

I was drawn to the contrasting melodies and dynamics in “Erlkönig,” which created urgency and tension. The composition’s rhythmic and tempo changes captured the narrative’s intense emotional content.

Attractions in “The Benefits of Luxury”

“The Benefits of Luxury,” an article by Oliver Goldsmith, captivated me with its elegant style and thoughtfully crafted arguments. Although called literature, it is more of an essay, a straightforward stream of thoughts. My interest was piqued by Goldsmith’s convincing writing style, sound logic, and skillful use of rhetorical tactics. I was unaware of how instrumental compositions might effectively tell stories and create powerful emotions without requiring lyrics until I explored “Erlkönig”.

Perception of “Erlkönig”

The music I chose, “Erlkönig,” contrasts with the more modern and mainstream music I usually listen to. The difficulty and technicality of “Erlkönig” forced me to know new genres and techniques that I did not know before since I typically listen to pop songs and other notable genres of modern times, such as slow-mannered and dramatic music, which is unconventional for me.

Perception of “The Benefits of Luxury”

The concise and well-organized style of Oliver Goldsmith’s article, “The Benefits of Luxury,” made it simple for me to understand the content. I could identify with the essay on a practical level since it made me think critically about how luxury affects people and society.


Reading and listening to lyrics was not hard, but finding the deeper meaning required some degree of analysis. My view and comprehension of music and literature have altered due to the knowledge I obtained from studying these works. It increased my respect for music’s function as a storytelling medium and its capacity to arouse strong feelings. I would share this experience with my peer about the necessity of the complexity of the given pieces of art. Regarding literature, I would stress the significance of critically examining books to learn about societal challenges and foster personal development. Both art forms, music and literature, can extend our horizons and stimulate our minds.


OxfordLieder (2013). Franz Schubert: Erlkönig [Video]. Youtube. Web.

Sporre, J.D. (2014). Perceiving the arts: An introduction to the humanities. Pearson.

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StudyCorgi. (2025) 'The Intersection of Music and Literature: Analyzing “Erlkönig” and “The Benefits of Luxury”'. 28 February.

1. StudyCorgi. "The Intersection of Music and Literature: Analyzing “Erlkönig” and “The Benefits of Luxury”." February 28, 2025.


StudyCorgi. "The Intersection of Music and Literature: Analyzing “Erlkönig” and “The Benefits of Luxury”." February 28, 2025.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "The Intersection of Music and Literature: Analyzing “Erlkönig” and “The Benefits of Luxury”." February 28, 2025.

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