The Issue of Homelessness

Homelessness is a critical issue that is widespread all over the United States and affects tens of thousands of people. During the past five years, the number of people who have died on the streets because of the absence of housing significantly increased (McCormick, 2022). However, the problem remains unresolved and gains noticeably less attention from the public and authorities than it should. Therefore, the paper aims to discuss the aspects of homelessness and the politicians’ role in addressing the issue.

People who, for some reason, lost their houses and belongings and are eventually forced to live on the streets are those who need the most help from society but hardly receive enough. Approximately every year, around forty thousand homeless people die from the shortage of resources for safe and healthy living (McCormick, 2022). Nevertheless, it is hard to teel the accurate number because their deaths are usually not counted.

Politicians should pay closer attention to these questions because each person’s life is valuable and should be a priority. While the most common reasons for demise are violence, abuse, lack of medical treatment, and substances addiction, the authorities should also focus on the initial reasons for homelessness to prevent people from having a dysfunctional existence (McCormick, 2022). Nowadays, people achieved the greatest technical progress and developed numerous opportunities for decent living, but the number of individuals without homes does not seem to decline.

In conclusion, homelessness is still an urgent issue nowadays, and many people still try to survive on the streets, and they often do not succeed. An extremely high number of deaths proves that the problem is underrepresented, and society does not recognize its seriousness. However, politicians are the ones to address it identify the initial causes of homelessness to develop preventive methods and decrease the number of unhoused people.


McCormick, E. (2022). ‘Homelessness is lethal’: US deaths among those without housing are surging. The Guardian. 

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