‘It Was Hell’: Long Lines of Ukrainian Refugees at Poland Border

There have been ongoing debates about the situation in Ukraine. Many people had to flee to different neighboring countries due to political instability. The events taking place are horrible, and the only thing to do for residents is to protect themselves in any way they can. Poland has become a center for Ukrainian refugees since it is one of the closest states to Ukraine (Pikulicka-Wilczewska). Even though Poland became an accepting country, people would have to return to their homeland one day.

My attitude to the topic is that the political invasion of Russia is solely a game of politics; however, since residents severely suffer from it, I consider it a hideous page in the history of Slavic countries. Reading the refugees’ stories, it is evident that people are struggling to leave their homeland, but they have no choice but to save their lives. Denis’ story was especially moving because he had to wait for his family to cross Poland’s border to finally see them after a series of striking news (Pikulicka-Wilczewska). It is heartbreaking to read how some families are still separated due to the military invasion.

What is more, the refugees have to wait for days to cross the border, which is dreadful because there are many children. Apart from the long lines, the climate is severe, and the supply of food is limited. Even though the volunteers help people to get through these tough times, it is incredulous what people have to overcome. I find it increasingly inspirational that Polish residents are willing to assist the Ukrainians by providing food, water, and other necessary supplies.

Viewing the situation from the racial perspective, it is hard to believe that people who used to share one territory during U.S.S.R. are enemies now. The Slavic people always seemed neighborly and friendly to each other. However, the political game is much stronger, and it puts a strain on their relationship. It also causes much tension on their future connection because what people observe now is the rise of hatred towards the Russians. Yet it is destroying because the invasion occurred spontaneously, making the Ukrainians think Russia is no longer their ally. It is incredibly frustrating how the war waged instantly and how many losses it may bring. However, I believe people would return home to build new safe place and proceed living peacefully.

In addition, I think the whole situation leads to significant financial losses. This puts a strain on Ukraine and the neighboring countries because they have to provide shelters for Ukrainian citizens. Taking into account that the cities are being bombed, the new construction process would be damaging to the country’s budget, so that it would have to attract foreign investments. This perspective is observed through the socio-economic lens, and it is observable that the restoration process may take a while.

In summary, the entire situation seems serious in terms of enormous human, economic, and political losses. Numerous Ukrainian refugees have to flee to the neighboring countries to save their lives. This is utterly devastating that people were deprived of their homes and lost their friends and relatives. In addition, this event will remain one of the most economically damaging because the losses are immeasurable. Nonetheless, the Ukrainians would have to return to their homeland one day to make a new peaceful charter in history.

Work Cited

Pikulicka-Wilczewska, Agnieszka. “‘It was hell’: Long lines of Ukrainian refugees at Poland border.” Al Jazeera, Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "‘It Was Hell’: Long Lines of Ukrainian Refugees at Poland Border." April 12, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/it-was-hell-long-lines-of-ukrainian-refugees-at-poland-border/.


StudyCorgi. "‘It Was Hell’: Long Lines of Ukrainian Refugees at Poland Border." April 12, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/it-was-hell-long-lines-of-ukrainian-refugees-at-poland-border/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "‘It Was Hell’: Long Lines of Ukrainian Refugees at Poland Border." April 12, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/it-was-hell-long-lines-of-ukrainian-refugees-at-poland-border/.

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