The Issue of Inequality in the United States

Inequality, as a social phenomenon, does not arise in a neutral environment in which all cultural and ethical values, without exception, are maintained. The current situation in the USA proves that the growing level of inequality is relevant as long as there are people who consider it normal. According to Benokraitis (2018), if dominant and minority classes are obvious in society, one cannot argue about the possibility of equality since each side has individual perspectives and interests. Today, social protests against racial inequality are a common phenomenon. However, given the US democratic constitutional principles, when every citizen has the right to the freedom of speech, more manifestations of public discontent may arise. Stratifications by social status, gender, and other criteria are fraught with mass protests, and to avoid the growing threat of unrest, addressing these issues is a significant task.

One of the key roles in maintaining social equilibrium and promoting equality belongs to the government. Relevant reforms aimed to support minority groups can be valuable decisions in favor of maintaining a peaceful balance. In this case, not only racial but also other aspects should be affected. As Benokraitis (2018) states, poverty as an acute social phenomenon cannot be addressed quickly due to many external nuances – economic development indicators, political issues, and other conventions. Nevertheless, while taking into account the democratic principles that the US promotes today, inaction is no less dangerous than erroneous decisions. People should be aware of the participation of the authorities in their lives and feel the attempts of official agencies to improve the situation. Mass grievances and protests confirm the population’s concern over the existing inequality and addressing the problem at the federal level through reforms and social support is one of the most effective measures.


Benokraitis, N. V. (2018). SOC: Introduction to sociology (6th ed.). Cengage Learning.

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