The Issue of Use of Stimulants by Students


During the educational process, in some cases, people may have certain difficulties with studying the material or completing assignments on time. They can be due to many reasons, such as outside hobbies or work. In such critical cases, it may seem like a good option for some students to boost their learning performance with various stimulants. For many students, stimulants are also an effective way to improve their academic performance, which may have suffered from a high workload. The above reasons are the main ones for many people who fraudulently or legally obtain stimulant substances to increase their performance.


There are both positive and negative consequences of taking stimulants for study. The former includes an increase in concentration and an improvement in overall performance in the context of information perception. Thus, students can improve their performance and achieve better study results. However, despite this, there are a large number of negative consequences that do not compensate for the effect of a positive influence. First, strong stimulants develop an addiction that can increase over time (Hanson et al., 2022). Such actions are detrimental to students’ brain activity since, without stimulants, they cannot maintain cognitive abilities at the same level. In addition, such substances can negatively affect the cardiovascular system by worsening the work of the heart (Hanson et al., 2022). This effect on the body can significantly worsen a person’s condition over time, so stimulants are not a safe option for improving academic performance.


I would say to someone who is considering using stimulants to improve focus and productivity that they do more harm to the body than good. Thus, the use of stimulants disappears since their side effects significantly impair health. This can hurt the student’s later life far more than poor academic performance. You can replace stimulants by freeing up more time for study and additionally learning methods to increase skills and attention.


Hanson, G. Venturelli, P. & Fleckenstein, A. (2022). Drugs & Society. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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