The changing demography of the unites states significantly affects real estate and industrialization. Besides, retirees seek more tranquil locations, away from city and town menace. The emergence of working-class women, the traditional agriculturist communities occupying the central and lower parts of the USA, provides a suitable niche for the sale and introduction of home management and agricultural equipment by John Deere, a leading producer of mechanical equipment; used in agriculture and other mechanical operations.
Target population
The target population that John Deere will have to strive to attract includes the larger Hispanic population occupying most states of central and southern USA: California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas states. The second target population that John Deere would be keen to attract is the elderly, aged between 60 and 70 years of age, most of whom have retired. Most often seek tranquil environments away from city and town menace. The Afro-American community located across the southern states of the USA are agriculturalists, who may offer significant market value to the John Deere services. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and uprising entrepreneurs, most of whom are college and university graduates, specializing in agri-business, among other industrial projects that John Deere products may be of importance.
Marketing strategy
The different target groups identified will have other implementation models to suit the group’s needs. The 7 P’s of marketing will increase the awareness of John Deere products in the USA market. The 7 P’s marketing model examines different aspects to ensure a positive entry of a product into new markets; product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning, and people (Queensland, 2022). Most John Deere products are machinery and heavy lawing products. Among them are Lawn & Garden, Agriculture, Construction, Landscaping & Grounds Care, Golf & Sports Turf, Forestry, Engines & Drivetrain, Electronics, Government & Military Sales, Rental Sales.
Market Perception of John Deere
The company has existed for close to 2 decades today and has been established as a leading producer of durable machinery for agricultural, domestic and other commercial requirements. The existence of the company and stand the test of time over the years give John Deere an advantage in the market and provides the company with a belief in conquering new markets. The company will also have to invest more in marketing, product, and brand promotion. Using the different forms or trends of marketing available, among the social media marketing digital marketing (websites, e-commerce, and Woo-commerce), John Deere has an iconic brand logo that makes noticing the company’s products more accessible to sell. Today, most consumers use the online platform to window shop items compare and contrast from one company to another (Taylor & Francis, 2022). The company is responsible for creating a positive image both online and physically at their stores; through interactive showrooms and exhibitions of new products. John Deere will enjoy a positive perception of the company and rely on the years of experience as a selling point and precise point to their new customers.
Consumer Behavior and Decision-Making Process
Consumers’ purchasing is influenced by several factors, such as personality and motivation. People purchase products or subscribe to services to satisfy their daily needs. Preferences also play a part in the decision making of consumers (Hawkins et al., 2019). The Hispanic and Afro-American population living in the southern states of the USA are traditionally farmers and agriculturalists; they need to acquire ploughing and agricultural equipment. John Deere needs to capitalize on the socio-economic activity of the target population to increase its sales and market share. Personality also affects consumers’ purchasing style; character differs from consumer to consumer depending on the taste and attitude of consumers towards specific products (Hawkins et al., 2019). Other factors like health, beliefs, religion and cultural beliefs may affect consumers’ purchasing. The company will have to conduct a survey and samples to get an overview of the preferences of a significant population to identify specifications and models that can be sold and availed to the target groups. After WWII, the emergence of the working women class necessitated the development of machinery, automobiles to be precise, that were suitable and comfortable to women. Targeting this population, John Deere will have to invest in modelling earthmovers and other agricultural machines ideal for women.
Marketing Strategy Plan
Since the target population has been identified, the 7 P’s of the marketing plan chosen will be implemented strategically to suit the targeted people identified. The plan below is a brief of steps that will be taken to develop the perfect marketing strategy for the target audiences. In-depth clarification is given under each target group.
- Identifying John Deere equipment needed
- Lawn & Garden, Agriculture, Construction, Landscaping & Grounds Care,
People and place
- Identification of target population
- Strategic analysis of population and population needs
- Categorizing the target population into different parts
- Development of marketing slogan for different categories
- Researching needs, e.g., the target groups’ topography, environmental and economic conditions. (Identifying gaps and niches)
Set prices after considering all factors identified
Packaging and promotion
- Creation of print and digital advertisements for promotions and campaigns.
- Roll out the campaign in a different town
The Retirees
The retired population forms a critical niche that John Deere can invest in to increase its market share. The elderly population exists in different categories, and John Deere will support the healthy interactives for older adults. Of the total adults in the United States, 48% are retired, aged between 65-75 years. Of the entire population, approximately 20% are retired (Social Security Administration, 2021). This specific target population is retirees who are still energetic and desire to explore the world freely outside employment.
Most of this population stays in remote agricultural states that are tranquil and free from city noise and discomfort. Rural regions of Florida and Pennsylvania are among states where the old often reside after retirement. Sarasota, Naples, Lancaster, and Melbourne are among the specific towns that John Deere will have to conduct a thorough survey to get accurate demographic information. The information will be vital in decision-making for the company as to whether to set up stores, conduct marketing, and know what type of products to produce and take to the specific areas.
Moreover, the target population may be interested in agriculture. However, they might not invest in large-scale agriculture (for commercial) since the population demands satisfy domestic needs like renovations of old penthouses lawns, preparation of kitchen gardens, and tree maintenance. The population will not need heavy machinery; thus, the company will avail small to medium-sized equipment met to satisfy the older people’s domestic needs. The people under this category are either on pension schemes or earning from investments, say property or real estate. They might not invest highly in equipment; thus, thorough research will be necessary for John Deere to develop financially suitable products that serve both purposes and yield returns.
Strategic message
Since the old trust traditional equipment, the company will produce equipment that matches classic color and texture to ensure the old get a taste of originality. Exhibitions of how different products will give the elderly first-hand insight into how machines operate before purchasing them. A preferable slogan message would be “Deere never retires”.
The Working-Class Women
After WWII, a voice advocated for women’s indulgence in industrialization by actively participating in machine and equipment operations. Women were empowered to evolve from being traditional homemakers or housewives to becoming productive members. To date, labour from women is rapidly increasing in the USA; despite most opting for white-collar jobs, secretaries, nurses, and caregivers, a significant population of women are opting for technical (Women’s Bureau, 2022). John Deere will venture into the market to attract the women on wheels.
Considering women’s natural and scientific disposition as being whole-hearted, equipping them with products from John Deere will be a good strategy for the company to establish their brand as that aims at uplifting the community. On the contrary, women get more impatient when things fail to work out according to their expectations; equipment is prone to damage, wear and tear of parts due to friction and day-to-day utility. John Deere will have to set up stores alongside repair and service centres to ensure trucks or any product is fixed promptly in case of mechanical hitches.
The company will also have to conduct thorough demographic research on age, health conditions (pregnancy), and other necessary factors while determining sales and promotion of their products to target the women population. John Deere will have to design billboards and posters with women operating their equipment to empower women aspiring to invest in agriculture and mechanical work.
Strategic message
Slogans and motivational speeches can be added along as captions to capture more customers of the target population through the billboards. Slogans like “Women with power” alongside pictures will sell the brand to a broader population. The company’s website will also have to include testimonials through videos of women operating John Deere products to capture the attention of women entrepreneurs. Through this more caption like, “John with you all the way”.
The Hispanic Population
The target population occupies the central and lower states of the USA. The pie chart shows the occupations in that most Hispanic people are involved, and the information indicates that John Deere products will have a potential sale among the population (U.S. Department of Labor blog, 2021). John Deere equipment will have a possible deal among the people since most of their population uses it.

Detailed research will also have to be done on the topography, environmental conditions, and climatic conditions to identify the most appropriate equipment for the soil. John Deere products are marked with a relatively high price due to the quality of products they offer, including after-sale services and professional customer support and service. It is a new market that they are venturing into and would have to alter pricing strategy to receive an adequate welcome into the market. Since lowering prices may impact the company’s production, other sales designs may be adapted to hold on to the population.
As observable on the company’s website, the introduction of loans and equipment renting will win the hearts of many Hispanic entrepreneurs with the assurance of quality products (Deere, 2022). Again, the trusted quality of products from John Deere convinces the target population to purchase the items even in the form of loans, leases, or rentals. The target population always prefers communication in their native language (Spanish); John Deere will capture this opportunity to increase diversity and awareness of their product beyond the English-speaking people.
Strategic message
The user manuals for the equipment will be printed in Spanish to ensure precise communication. Adoption of Spanish slogans will capture more attention and improve the sales and awareness of the brand. Billboards and posters (printed in Spanish) will be a good strategy in promoting the brand, and John Deere will develop a good reputation and rapport with the locals to form a successful campaign.
The Afro-American Population
Like the Hispanic population discussed earlier, the Afro-Americans occupy the Southern USA and are traditionally agriculturalists. This population falls under medium-low income earners; thus, their purchasing power is not more substantial than other ethnicities across the united states (McKinsey Institute, 2022). They operate on lower budgets; hence, investing in this market would call for revised rates and pieces and products of equipment and machinery by John Deere.
The loans, leases, and rents will be favourable to the Afro-Americans who would trade for the originality and premium quality offered by John Deere. After-sale services will attract more consumers of gather products from the region. Product promotion through t-shirts, caps, billboards will pay in these regions since the people there engage more when they feel and develop attraction by the products.
Strategic message
The Afro-Americans interact more during shows and occasions, making exhibitions and showroom events a perfect engagement and marketing strategy of the John Deere products. They are also known for having fun most of the time; thus, a slogan or message like “ride with Deere” will culminate well with this population. The slogan will be printed alongside images of Afro-American operating one of John Deere’s equipment, says tractor or backhoe.
To conclude, John Deere has established itself over the years it has been in exitance as a producer of quality and durable machinery and agricultural equipment. Their entrance into newer markets would call precise marketing to build on the market perception they have had over time. Demographic factors play a significant role in determining consumer behaviour, and the management of John Deere will invest in ensuring accurate information about their target population. However, the marketing strategies need to be of quality and interactive to meet consumers’ liking. The model marketing plan will be instrumental in realizing the multiple marketing strategies discussed.
Despite the will to venture into a new market, the company (John Deere) must also remain loyal and maintain rapport with their original consumers, the Caucasian population, who form their consumer base. Retaining the trust may need loyalty, gift cards, and other promotional programs. The introduction of instalment payment, loans leases, and rental options by John Deere will ensure the attraction of a larger population of Afro-American and Hispanic people, whose incomes might not pay one-time fees but would like to enjoy quality services and products from John Deere.
Deere, J., 2022. About Our Company | John Deere US. [online] Web.
Hawkins, D. I., Mothersbaugh, D. L., & Kleiser, S. B. (2019). Consumer behaviour: Building marketing strategy.
McKinsey Institute. (2022). The economic state of Black America. Web.
Queensland, B. (2022). The 7 Ps of marketing | Business Queensland. Web.
Social Security Administration. (2021). Fact Sheet SOCIAL SECURITY [Ebook]. Web.
Taylor & Francis. (2022). New areas of research in marketing strategy, consumer behaviour, and marketing analytics: the future is bright. Taylor & Francis. Web.
U.S. Department of Labor blog. (2021). U.S. Department of Labor Blog. Web.
Women’s Bureau. (2022). Data and Statistics | U.S Department of Labor. Web.