Launch of Keep Britain Clean Campaign to Tackle Litter

The launch of The Keep Britain Clean Campaign

London, Eng. – August 18, 2011. In an effort to stem the tidal wave of litter that has clogged Britain’s city streets the various local city councils have started the “Keep Britain Clean Campaign”. Spearheaded by environmentalist Michael Murphy the campaign seeks to not only clean up Britain’s streets but the attitudes of its citizenry as well. The problem, as indicated by Murphy and the councils, is the very attitudes of careless litterbugs who act as if the streets are their own personal trash bin. In his inaugural address at the start of the campaign Murphy stated “we will treat litterbugs the way they deserve to be treated and fine them as need be so long as our streets remain clean as a result”.

As indicated by the council, the start of the campaign begins on August 15, 2011 with the goal of 100% litter eradication by August 15, 2012. When asked whether the apparently iron fisted approach to clean up would be considered excessive Murphy stated “We have tried to be nice, patient and understanding, it has not worked a darn bit! Our streets will be clogged with filth if nothing is done to prevent people from using them as their personal dumping grounds!”

The campaign over the course of the year will see the launch of the following:

  • The “Keep Britain Clean” logo which is an iron fist clenching a piece of litter.
  • Community clean up events and lectures every two months throughout the year.
  • Advertising campaigns targeting students and young adults.
  • The Green awards business campaign.
  • The sale and distribution of postcard with the “Keep Britain Clean” logo.


Insights into the degree of the problem reveal that on average every single square meter in a major metropolitan city within Great Britain contains at the very least one to two pieces of litter. This has resulted in a literal carpet of trash in certain areas where the garbage tends to accumulate due to prevailing winds. The local councils in an effort to garner public support for this campaign had the following words to say: “we cannot do this alone, we need all your help to act now to make sure that our streets remain clean after this campaign has run its course, all of you are directly responsible for your own streets and as such we hope that you show a little backbone in ensuring that what you will see on the street is the pavement instead of filth”.

Bearing this in mind the “Keep Britain Clean” campaign has employed the services of the APPR public relations consultancy company in order to develop an effective campaign to stop the litterbugs in their tracks

About APPR Consultancy

APPR Consultancy is regarded as one the most highly rated and sought after consultancy companies in the world. Their work on various campaigns throughout the years has included the following:

  • “Save the Trees Recycle Paper”
  • “More Years Less Tears!” campaign on improving the state of the British insurance system.

As such due to their various successes in public relations over the course of several years of operation the city councils are confident that the campaign should prove to be a success. For more information on APPR visit their website at

Note to the Editor: The “Keep Britain Clean Campaign” will start on August 15, 2011 near the Yorkshire town hall building. There will be a large parade with various city officials presenting their views on the issue at hand.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 30). Launch of Keep Britain Clean Campaign to Tackle Litter.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Launch of Keep Britain Clean Campaign to Tackle Litter." January 30, 2021.

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