The Killing Nurses of the Nazi Germany

The Third Reich is the embodiment of the Nazi Germany that was obsessed with the idea of building the perfect race. In Germans’ anticipations and hopes, this race would conduct the world by trespassing other territories, eliminating other nations that did not correspond to the immaculate race’s image, and refining and developing its legacy. Nazi Germany put in their best efforts to enhance National Socialism, including all social and governmental institutes, to serve its primary purpose. That was not only a case of the Holocaust, but it came to eliminating handicapped children within a national program, as they might have been a real burden to German well-being.

The Third Reich implemented the national program that involved nursing participation in facilitating National Socialism in building a perfect, spotless nation. According to Cizik School of Nursing ( 2017), such medical institutes as the National Social Nurses and the Red Cross Nurses were in charge of observing the citizens’ national health. They “swore an oath of allegiance to Hitler” as a form of “greets of National Socialism with an open heart” by means of killing children with health issues. To build a perfect race where all citizens could serve the Nazi needs, it implemented a euthanasia program in 1939 to eradicate possible harms to the government. Nurses killed children manifested bad indicators for the health of Germany. The Nazis called this category of people “useless feeders” and killed them utilizing drugs and medicines, causing lethal outcomes. The differentiation of valuable people from useless ones is a fundamental humanity violation contradicting all moral, social norms. Nazi Germany was so engrossed with this idea that it killed its citizens, decided them to be not worth living. It is diabolical and outrageous misconduct towards people labeling them as a real burden to a country.

Nazi Germany, represented by the killing nurses, was a telling example of villains who did not neglect to utilize vicious and sinister methods to achieve its global goals. It is an absolute shameful history chapter of Germany with a million dead people who did not correspond to the image of a credible Nazi member. Children born with innate diseases were severely killed and treated as a real burden to the nation that might be erased by all means and under any circumstances. Most women volunteered to be murderers, considering their unethical markings made Germany the best-performing country with no disabled members.


Cizik School of Nursing(2017). Caring Corrupted. The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich. You Tube.

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