The Ku Klux Klan and Modern Terrorism

Ku Klux Klan was created in 1865 after the American Civil War and for its history, this mysterious organization lived through several rebirths of it. Unfortunately, KKK still exists, but the number of people and their influence is much smaller. This work will be about the terrorist part of the Klan and its similarities and diversities to other types of domestic terrorism that exist in our contemporary time.

While researchers consider that the organization is not originally terroristic, but a secret society with vague goals, the number of victims rose commensurate with the increase in the number of people in the organization. Their objects of terror were not only black people but also every white person who came from the north to work among black people was attacked by terrorists. After the beginning of the second Klan they started to form groups out of children, who are unable to make their own decisions. Such acts are peculiar to other terroristic organizations. They even used children in marches, like KonKlave in 1925.

In 2012 seventeen-year-old Thomas Lane murdered three students in his school café. He did not explain why he did that and was sentenced to three life terms in prison. Ku Klux Klan acts were similar to many terroristic acts because their explanations were never understandable to society. They were never afraid to break the law using weapons they had at that time and usually acted in groups having precise plans to leave no witnesses.

Ku Klux Clan is one of the most dangerous and mysterious organizations in the history of the United States. Their acts were always frightening and unexplainable to the society they lived in. The thing that connects them with every terroristic act is the opinion that they can judge people and take people’s lives, because of their beliefs. Hopefully, another rebirth of Ku Klux Klan will never happen again.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, July 10). The Ku Klux Klan and Modern Terrorism.

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