The Latest Findings of Maya Cities and Temples

Maya peoples are known for their high intelligence, profound knowledge of astronomy, agriculture, and arts, and sophisticated culture. Due to the latest explorations in jungles in northern Guatemala, multiple structures, buildings, roads, irrigation systems, and artifacts were found. The findings in Guatemala tell people about the high level of Maya development, their diversity, environmental consciousness, high level of intelligence, and abilities to form a large community and function properly together.

The latest exploration of Maya temples gives many assumptions about the peoples’ mentality, structure, and development. The explorers discovered that the population of such peoples was highly dense, which was unexpected. Evidence of bookkeeping as well as relatively advanced tools were found. This shows that Maya was a highly developed society that managed to functionalize and form a vital structure that worked efficiently. Furthermore, roads, irrigation systems, and multiple dwellings were found. This means they were highly environmentally conscious and more intelligent than previously assumed. Additionally, it is known that Maya could build large cities with various infrastructures, which also emphasizes how intelligent and wise they were.

The recent archeological findings indicate that the modern knowledge about ancient civilizations remains rather limited. Similar to the inquiries on civilizations such as Ancient Egypt, there are many questions on how they were able to achieve the level of architectural sophistication far before mechanical technology existed. In terms of American civilizations, this information also emphasizes that there are strong misconceptions about pre-colonial societies. With the native groups such as the Mayans being seen as ‘savages’ and living in unstructured societies, while in fact the opposite was true. In conclusion, the findings show the actual level of Maya development. These peoples were able to form a considerable society, function properly and cooperate, create different items, such as weapons and sculptures, and build roads and irrigation systems.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, July 6). The Latest Findings of Maya Cities and Temples.

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