The Legislative Oversight Role of Colorado


The state legislature of Colorado is referred to as the Colorado General Assembly. The Colorado State Senate and the Colorado House of Representatives are the two chambers that make up the state legislature of Colorado, which is bicameral (Colorado General Assembly). As such, legislators can play a more effective part in the political processes as opposed to the past when the executive could influence their roles. In particular, yearly committees convene during the parliamentary meeting and between sessions to supervise legislative staff organizations and pass legislation on the state concerning accountability.


There are different kinds of legislative oversight, the most notable being thorough checks and balances in a state. Nonetheless, in most cases, the responsibility for continual examination of the work done by state agencies in their respective subject areas is assigned to legislative committees that are permanent in nature. Colorado legislative bodies have also established specialized committees or staff agencies whose only purpose is to assess the performance of government agencies. In addition, legislators have the ability to examine the rules and regulations that executive agencies produce to execute laws.

Specifically, the 1972 Watergate affair is an illustration of the remarkable state legislature in conducting its oversight role. For instance, in accordance with its legislative role, the House Judiciary Committee of Washington D.C. drafted five articles of impeachment against President Nixon. This is because the scandal was a misuse of presidential authority and an intentional obstruction of justice (Graves 4). The fraud entailed burglars of the Democratic National Committee who were associated with President Richard Nixon’s fraudulent re-election campaign and had been caught eavesdropping and stealing papers. As a consequence, Congress applied its activities of inspecting, examining, reviewing, and checking government agencies, programs, and policy execution.


It is reasonable to infer that the emphasis on such investigative activities in the state regarding the accountability of President Nixon complied with the legislature’s direction. In this regard, the probing action underscored in the state concerning oversight exercised the legislative’s mandate to examine, inspect, review, and check.

Works Cited

Colorado General Assembly. Web.

Graves, Melissa. “Political and Social Histories: A Case Study of Power in the FBI.” Cambridge Review of International Affairs, vol. 34, no. 5, 2021, pp 1-17.

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