The My Mother’s Secret Novel by J. L. Witterick


My Mother’s Secret is a fiction novel based on a true story during the Second World War when the Germans invaded Poland. The story involves two families saved from Nazi brutality by a brave woman and her daughter. Franciszka and her daughter Helena lived a simple life, minding their business until a crisis occurred in their country. The Nazi Germans, through their propaganda, forced people to enlist in the army against their will. Once people were enlisted in the army, it was a crime to quit, and anyone who dared to leave would be considered a criminal. Franciszka was motivated by bravery and righteousness to save the lives of people fleeing from the Germans and the defecting soldiers. Although the family had a tiny two-bedroom home, it was enough to save two families without them knowing about each other. Despite German commanders and neighbors spying to get the information, Franciszka’s secret kept the escapees safe. When a government mistreats innocent citizens, revolution is the ultimate result, regardless of people’s economic status.

Franciszka’s Humanitarian Actions and the Negative Impacts of War

The story’s setting is during the darkest times of the holocaust when the Germans were torturing the Jews. During such times, most people tend to tremble in fear and opt to seek to serve their brutal masters. Franciszka represents a powerful message of humanity through individuals going out of their way to help others. Further, when people believe in themselves and live by honesty and virtue, they will likely succeed in the discourse. Although providing shelter for the Jews was considered a death sentence, Franciszka was driven by humanity to save those in dire need. She did not fear what the Germans could do should they discover the atrocity she had committed (Witterick, 2016). Franciszka overcame her fear because she was guided by humanity and could go to any length to fight societal injustices. The woman and her daughter hid the Jewish family in their pigsty and the defaulting soldiers on the kitchen floor for twenty months without them being noticed.

The novel’s theme of violence versus peace is evident, and the people on the winning side are not necessarily happy with the war outcomes. Although the Germans were known to be brutal to the Jews only, all other soldiers who defected were regarded as outcasts and were punished by death. Quitting the army means that the conditions exposed to the soldiers were not conducive. Regardless of the position of a person during the war, they are exposed to damage, injury, and destruction. Helena and her mother lived a simple life where they could afford food. However, when Nazi Germany came into power, the tyrant rule affected people’s lives, and they could no longer afford food. Further, the leaders started arresting and killing innocent Jews, and the people had no option but to rebel (Witterick, 2016). Unlike other iconic activists who require resources and technology to revolt, Franciszka proves a point by showing how to save people with the little that they have. Her actions prove that people can do anything as long as they are guided by truth and righteousness.


Franciszka and her daughter showed bravery by going against the government’s order to save Jews and quitting German soldiers. Her actions were motivated by righteousness and Nazi brutality. Although the Nazi reign in Germany instilled fear and terror among the people, citizens devised means of revolting against the government with little resources at their disposal. The novel further reiterates the negative impacts of war on society. Violence knows no bounds, and regardless of a person’s position, war exposes them to suffering. The German soldiers quit because they also suffered in the wars. It is imperative to note that revolution does not need special skills, resources, or talents. Instead, righteousness, zeal, and determination are required to make a difference in society, as proven by Franciszka and her daughter. When the government makes people suffer, they have no option but to revolt.


Witterick, J.L. (2016). My mother’s secret. Brantford, Ontario: W. Ross MacDonald School Resource Services Library.

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