The NASA Space Colonization Plans

It is important to note that with the recent advancements in astrophysics, aerospace engineering, and astronomy, the topic of human space colonization is no longer considered as far-fetched but rather a realistic goal. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is actively working on the project of Mars colonization. However, there are concerns about the benefits of space exploration and colonization in terms of NASA’s purpose, the current state of the Earth, as well as habitability of the destinations.

In order to properly inform on the controversy surrounding the subject, it is critical to understand the purpose of NASA as an organization. It is stated that NASA “is the United States government agency responsible for U.S. space exploration, space technology, Earth and space science, and aeronautics research … new frontiers, discovering new knowledge, and developing new technology” (General Services Administration & the Office of Management and Budget, 2021, para. 2). The agency is the most competent organization is making an effort a possibility since it is highly aware of how to ensure long-term habitability due to years of running the International Space Station (NASA, 2021a). It is reported that “NASA is seeking applicants for participation as a crew member during the first one-year analog mission in a habitat to simulate life on a distant world” (NASA, 2021b, para. 1). In other words, it is not as evident whether or not space colonization falls within NASA’s key objectives.

In conclusion, NASA is putting efforts into advancing space colonization by using its existing competencies. However, the controversy is whether it is possible to create habitability in timescales of colonization. In addition, a question might emerge if the endeavor is adherent to the agency’s mission. Lastly, it is controversial whether humanity should pursue space colonization considering the destructive nature of the modern civilization on Earth.


General Services Administration & the Office of Management and Budget. (2021). National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Web.

NASA. (2021a). Space colonization. Web.

NASA. (2021b). NASA is recruiting for yearlong simulated mars mission. Web.

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