The Nasal Septum Patient Assessment and Treatment

Interview Summary

An interview was conducted with the patient, during which his main characteristics were established. The person belongs to the male sex, 25 years old. The man is from Finland, and he speaks with a slight accent. Perceives health as a critical element for functioning and successful future building (Ostensen et al., 2020). In the previous anamnesis, he reported congestion in the ears, which was treated by washing the auricle and breathing exercises. Concerning family history, no data was collected that would play a role in assessing anamnesis. Concerning the systems, the patient reported the presence of a septum in the nose.

The person is at the appropriate stage of development – a conflict between intimacy and isolation because he already has a choice in the form of building a family and can freely describe his feelings. Cultural aspects of communication are expressed in different behavior and body language, which is a little constrained. Preference is given to evidence-based medicine since there was a traumatic experience with traditional and unproven practices. Psychosocial support for the patient is managing their work and relationships with respect for personal boundaries and understanding their tasks (Johnson et al., 2018). The conditions in Finland are probably forced to be more severe than in the USA. This man is recommended to get acquainted with the prevention and treatment of the nasal septum, which can threaten to breathe, to improve his health. It is necessary to pay attention to resources to prevent the workspace: organize it and add harmony.

Interview Reflection

The nature of the interaction with this person can be described as insecure due to linguistic and cultural limitations. The patient’s behavior was decent, but there was much confidence and a desire to be more rational and strict. There were linguistic barriers: even though the language was English, it was difficult for the patient to switch to it his native language. Overcoming the barrier was gradual, as trust was established, but I expected more impact in the dialogue. In the future, voice control skills will probably be used to overcome the linguistic barrier, replacing words with simpler ones and an indication of the phenomenon (Johnson et al., 2018). There were no unforeseen problems, but I would like more information about the patient’s culture since he was a man of few words. Next time I want to be sure that I will understand the subtleties of communication in which the patient will trust a friend.


Johnson, L., Edward, K. L., & Giandinoto, J. A. (2018). A systematic literature review of accuracy in nursing care plans and using standardised nursing language. Collegian, 25(3), 355-361. Web.

Ostensen, E., Hardiker, N. R., Bragstad, L. K., & Helleso, P. (2020). Introducing standardised care plans as a new recording tool in municipal health care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(17-18), 3286-3297. Web.

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