The National Arctic Reserve: Wildlife Preservation

The reserves of the Arctic, including the National Arctic Reserve, are places untouched by human, harsh, and wonderful nature. In this territory, economic activity is prohibited in every possible way; industry also cannot be located here, with the exception of small farms of indigenous people. The primary purpose of such reserves is to preserve wildlife. Attempts by oil companies to expropriate these regions are contrary to the fundamental principles of environmental responsibility, nor social responsibility, since the lack of coordination of such activities with the indigenous people does not comply with democratic legislation. In this regard, it is necessary to propose specific actions to stop the illegal penetration of greedy companies into them.

First, an essential factor is attention to the problem of the public. Many people do not know precisely which representatives of flora and fauna are kept in this reserve and which are under the threat of extinction. The danger for the account should take on a particular shape; for this, it is necessary to create interactive web resources that present information about the importance of this region in an exciting way. Such activities should be delivered in parallel with the disappearance of the lion’s reserve share due to human activities there. The interactive resource will raise citizens’ awareness and create more conditions for their meaningful disagreement.

Secondly, the tool will be the issue of attracting attention outside of America. Environmental issues are now increasingly transnational, green policies are accepted globally, and hence issues and non-compliance are taken more seriously in international communities (Allan et al., 2021). The voices of ordinary citizens must be heard, and a possible scandal at the state level must be higher and more expensive than an encroachment on sacred territory.


Allan, B., Lewis, J. I., & Oatley, T. (2021). Green Industrial Policy and the Global Transformation of Climate Politics. Global Environmental Politics, 21(4), 1-19.

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