The Need for a Literacy-Rich Classroom

The creation of an appropriate environment is a vital consideration when it comes to teaching kids, and it ensures the efficiency of the studying process. The present-day educators highlight the need for a literacy-rich classroom that reflects the proper application of technology, and this concept will be useful for me (Lynch, 2020). According to them, the key elements of such classrooms include adaptable layout, flexible seating, small teacher work area, and access to materials and devices (Lynch, 2020). Their use in my third-grade classroom will make it literacy-rich and contribute to better results.

The 90-minute block of reading instruction for the class will include stages related to students’ phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary acquisition, fluency, and reading comprehension. The class will start with manipulating and segmenting sounds followed by the dictation of sounds and letters as an introduction and pre-reading tasks with new words, reading, and post-reading activities (40 minutes). The next step will be small group work consisting of such activities as word building with letters and choral reading of the text with instructions for each group (50 minutes). During the class, I will interact with all the groups of students to guide them while walking around the classroom. The lesson’s closure will be oral reviews of the material and an exit quiz.

In the class, the strategy laid as the basis of the selection of tasks will contribute to the development of skills. In this situation, such skills will be phonemic awareness, decoding, and phonics acquired through the performance of the tasks (Silcox, 2018). The designed plan allows developing all foundational reading skills and contributes to the students’ success (Mesmer, 2020). It also provides opportunities to acquire vocabulary, improve fluency and comprehension that are essential for children’s progress. Such techniques as gradual release and scaffolding are reflected in the students’ individual work and their increased independence (Mesmer, 2020). All in all, the plan is supported by existing theoretical models.

The learning goals of the class align with standards since they address all aspects of the reading process regarding the acquisition of skills through the implementation of the strategy. The received knowledge is added to the background information students already have with the help of post-reading tasks and quizzes (Lewis, 2019). They also help monitor the outcome of the lesson, check students’ understanding, and assess their participation. As for anticipatory sets, they are presented at the introductory stage that includes the work with task cards with sounds and letters (Lewis, 2019). Hence, the use of these elements defines the efficiency of the lesson.

The allocation of time allows students to participate in all types of activities, including individual work. The lesson starts with group tasks and ends with tests, which provide opportunities for individual reading. The small group work represents the independent literacy centers focused on specific tasks (Esquibel, 2018). The combination of the mentioned types of works promotes the engagement and motivation of students who expect individual tasks after the work in groups and content-area literacy. Another motivating factor is the possible participation of parents in the process. This organization allows addressing all students’ needs related to their culture and motivation with respect for diversity as ELL and ESL. In this way, the balance between different activities is maintained.

The proposed lesson plan and the literacy-rich classroom apply to any other subject since they address the essential issues in the educational process. The asset-based approach complements the efficiency of the lesson’s stages, thereby contributing to its better outcome for all students. Thus, the proper classroom layout, continuous interactions of teachers with groups and individuals, and access to all materials and used devices define a positive environment.


Esquibel, M. (2018). Literacy centers for all learners. International Literacy Association. Web.

Lewis, B. (2019). Writing a lesson plan: Anticipatory sets. ThoughtCo. Web.

Lynch, E. (2020). Elements of a literacy-rich 21st-century classroom. Sadlier School. Web.

Mesmer, H. A. E. (2020). There are four foundational reading skills. Why do we only talk about phonics? Education Week. Web.

Silcox, E. (2018). Critical differences between reading skills and strategies: What you need to know. Medium. Web.

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