Nez Perce Nation Case Study: Land Battles and Cultural Resilience


The Nez Perce Nation is a case study written by Berry, Grossman, and Pawiki. The case study explains the problems encountered by the people of Nez Perce. From the case study, we understand that the Nez Perce community was expelled from their land by American settlers. The authors give us a picture of the harsh and ruthless treatment of the American colonists. The inhabitants of Nez Perce nation battled with American settlers to protect their land.

When they lost the battle, remnants of the nation were taken to Oklahoma and Kansas, where many perished. After some time, the people of Nez Perce Nation regained their land. They restructured themselves and engaged in driven economic activities like fishing. Nez Perce and other minority communities joined and signed treaties with the government. Nez Perce nation fought fearlessly for recognition in their society. The writers have created a geographical progression of Nez Perce, showing the traditional, political, and social developments involved.

Personal Identity

I concur with the writers’ ideas on the historical development of Nez Perce. From the case study, one can identify the Nez Perce nation with their geographical status. Their adaptive techniques to fit into the geographical locality cannot be ignored. When they were forced to resettle in Oklahoma and Kansas, a majority of them perished, yet they desired to move back to their land, they gained full control and managed to regain their initial economic activities. If the geographical location did not affect them, then why were they unable to survive in Kansas? It is important to note that traditional settlements were important sources of support. The environment defined cultural, political, and societal living patterns for certain groups of people. I also believe that alienation from one’s culture caused physical and psychological trauma.

Contesting Government Control

I agree with the writers who show the signing of treaties and agreements among minority ethnic communities and the government. Nez Perce nation pushed for the adoption of policies in fishing. Together with other minority communities, they initiated lawsuits that led to the establishment of a fisheries program. The U.S government signed treaties with minority communities to consolidate them into the societies. The government created mutual understanding and initiated land agreements making Native communities regain their lands. This move created feelings of sovereignty among Native American communities and their inclusion into the governance system, which encouraged their settlement.

Spatial Diversity

The authors have portrayed the people of the Nez Perce nation as fighters. They struggled to safeguard their country. Through fighting, the people of Nez Perce were able to safeguard their land, as well as their culture. They engaged in economic activities that sustained them and bore on the powwow grounds as their national historical park. The Nez Perce nation also identifies with the Wallowa valley. They have the determination to unite with their dispersed tribes’ men. Strong kinship ties are evident in their search for fellow tribesmen who were scattered during displacement by the American settlers. Native communities had structures that showed spatial variations.

They practiced different economic activities and contributed to plant growth. They formed social organizations and also had languages. They practiced different forms of subsistence farming. In fact, the Nez Perce nation regained its land they restructured it to have economic value. As a matter of principle, they chose fishing as their preferred source of livelihood. As a matter of fact, they fought fearlessly in order to introduce laws that conserved fishing as an economic activity.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 6). Nez Perce Nation Case Study: Land Battles and Cultural Resilience.

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StudyCorgi. "Nez Perce Nation Case Study: Land Battles and Cultural Resilience." March 6, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Nez Perce Nation Case Study: Land Battles and Cultural Resilience." March 6, 2021.

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