The “Occupy Street Movement” in the United States

The “occupy street movement” in the United States of America is against the increasing appetite and insatiability of corporate American citizens and its banks. The nation’s democracy is in the hands of as little as 400 American billionaires who have taken this chance to humiliate the rest of the American population and use it to grow richer by the end of each day; richer than they were at the beginning of the day. It is sad for them to learn that the economy of America is controlled by less than 1% of the population, something that has led to uncommonly high levels of equality among Americans.

Michael Moore’s first proposal, in his article, required that the Bush tax cuts be eradicated for the rich. This should then be followed by a new tax system that will see the wealthiest American citizens and corporations pay fair taxes, including taxes on all their trading. This is a good idea to help curb the problem of large gaps that exist between the rich and the poor in America. America is the leading center of innovations. It has the highest number of productions in the world and earns the highest amount of income through technological innovations, yet its global ranking is gradually going down; from the top to the third position now, leaving the top position to countries like China, Switzerland and Finland. Creating a new tax system that will allow the rich to pay all taxes will generate a lot of income for the government, which will later be used to develop the employment sector of the government and help gradually fill the gap that causes inequality. The government can also use this tax to improve the education sector, hence the level of innovations in the country.

The amount of tax that can be collected from the wealthiest Americans is more than the total tax that is usually contributed by all middle-class Americans. As a result, this tax will be enough to re-open libraries that closed down. It will help renovate roads, build bridges and establish the appropriate infrastructure that is required for the development. The remaining funds can be combined with the middle class’ tax and steered towards the development of modern technology and support scientific research, to better the lives of every American.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, April 22). The “Occupy Street Movement” in the United States.

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StudyCorgi. "The “Occupy Street Movement” in the United States." April 22, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "The “Occupy Street Movement” in the United States." April 22, 2022.

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