The Perception of Nursing Theory


Nursing is one of the most critical components of the health care system of any state. Nursing practice is a set of organized care activities by specially trained professional nurses. Care activities are organized, being an integral part of the health system. The nursing theory allows the development of concepts that can be applied in practice. I have observed the application of nursing theory in practice in many spheres. For example, many nurses have used nursing advocacy concepts to determine how much they are involved in advancing patient rights. I have also been able to observe the application of the theory in the field of cultural competence of nurses.


The theory of nursing is critical in allowing nurses to develop their knowledge in the field of nursing. In turn, this approach provides safer treatment conditions and better patient outcomes. What is most interesting to me in nursing theory is the variety of approaches to solving specific issues in nursing. Interestingly, due to this diversity, nurses can choose the theoretical concept most suitable for individual patient conditions. Another experience I have gained about nursing theory is that nurses provide physical and mental care. Many ideas, such as Philosophy and the Theory of Transpersonal Caring offered by Jean Watson (Gonzalo, 2023). It is interesting that care is considered from the complex perspective addressing the patient’s care’s psychological, cultural, and environmental conditions. Such an approach ensures improved healthcare outcomes for the patients. That is why I am very keen to continue to study the theory of nursing from different perspectives.

Course Concepts

The content and assignments correlate with Watson’s “Theory of Caring” and “Philosophy and Theory of Transpersonal Caring.” The analysis of these theories complies with the course objectives to improve nurses’ knowledge and ensure safe and comfortable treatment conditions. In the theory of human care, Watson seeks to balance the therapeutic orientation of medicine. It highlights nursing as a unique disciplinary, scientific, and professional branch concerning nursing care and public health.

In modern conditions, it is easier for nursing staff to perform actions and manipulations aimed at caring for a patient than to empathize, show love and care, and support the patient. This problem is related to the overload of nurses and the need for more specialists. Thus, despite gaining knowledge in training, many nurses may need help applying this knowledge. This follows the idea that the full implementation of Watson’s comprehensive care is only a potential opportunity for the healthcare system. An example of the potential use of the theory is cultivating a sensitivity to self and others and promoting the expression of feelings. Currently, the nurses are practically unable to provide such support due to workload. However, there are many significant changes currently practiced by nurses. Some of the essential carative factors offered by Jean are applied today. For example, current practices can be mentioned as instilling faith-hope in the patient, using problem-solving for decision-making, and assisting with the gratification of human needs (Gonzalo, 2023). It is vital to learn Nursing Theories and strive to apply some of the concepts in practice.


It was challenging to analyze the potential application of the theory. The differentiated nursing approaches in various clinics caused such difficulties. It is complicated to research the approach’s complete realization in practice and collect some generalized statistics. Considering the success of the course content, I highlight the excellent awareness of the hierarchy of needs and creative factors. I have managed to learn the theory details successfully, allowing me to provide more support for patients during the treatment process.


Gonzalo, A. (2023). Jean Watson: Theory of human caring. Nurseslabs. Web.

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