The Phenomenon of Gene Editing

I believe that gene editing opens a lot of opportunities for humanity, but this phenomenon must be used with caution and constantly monitored. The potential to edit the human genome for creating “designed children” reduces natural predestination (Wellcome Trust, 2016). This puts both the individual and humanity as a whole before the inevitable choice of the direction of development. The ability to change the genetic nature of a person shows new, previously unseen horizons, where new opportunities and previously unknown risks await people. That is why the question of whether humanity should follow this path and develop genetic engineering methods is especially relevant today. The gradual development of technoscience affects people and their physicality more and more, and therefore it can be assumed that a person will become an object of genetic engineering in the end. Socio-humanitarian sciences will not be able to stop this development; it is necessary to discuss these problems from the standpoint of humanitarian knowledge to be able to adjust the direction of development but stopping progress from this area seems impossible.

The statement about the inevitability of using genetic engineering technologies indicates that, regardless of their attitude to them, they will become a part of human life. This is not an entirely positive answer but understanding this inevitability forces people to move further in their analysis, find promising areas of their application, and assess the limits of what is possible. A positive answer is possible on whether it is worth using genetic engineering technologies concerning people. It is necessary to adhere to the position of the inevitability of this action (Wellcome Trust, 2016). In that case, people can consider interference in human genes as a consequence of the constant development of the field of culture and the inevitable inclusion of more and more new areas in this theory. Thus, it is crucial not to resist the achievements of science, but it is essential to find boundaries that will be correct from a moral and ethical point of view.


Wellcome Trust. (2016). What is gene editing and how does it work? [Video]. YouTube.

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