The Presentation of a Song Made by Brianna Mejia

In general, the presentation of a song made by Brianna Mejia may be regarded as comprehensive and informative. First of all, the speaker provided all the necessary information in an appropriate structured way. Thus, the audience had an opportunity to listen to the song under analysis to understand what the presentation would be about (“Movie on 12 10 21 at 3 48 PM”). Subsequently, Brianna provided the song’s name, singers, brief biography, and the song’s background. She explained why this song was significant for her in detail, and this made her presentation valuable. Although there were no visual aids for this speech, however, this aspect did not spoil the general impression – in general, the most important aid was the song.

Concerning verbal and vocal qualities, it is possible to say that the author was confident about her material and spoke freely. Although Brianna was reading from the paper during a considerable part of her presentation, it was clear that she did it in order to make her presentation “going smooth” and sound professional and confident (“Movie on 12 10 21 at 3 48 PM”). Her knowledge of English was proved by her speaking when she was expressing her thoughts and ideas. In these cases, her grammar and vocabulary were correct and corresponded to the required language level (“Movie on 12 10 21 at 3 48 PM”). In addition, the volume and tone of the speaker’s voice were pleasant to listen to. Talking about facial and body qualities, it is necessary to mention that more eye contact with the audience is recommended. Nevertheless, Brianna’s posture and gestures were appropriate and did not distract viewers’ attention from the presentation and provided material.

Work Cited

“Movie on 12 10 21 at 3 48 PM.” YouTube, uploaded by Brianna Mejia, 2021, Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2022) 'The Presentation of a Song Made by Brianna Mejia'. 16 December.

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "The Presentation of a Song Made by Brianna Mejia." December 16, 2022.

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