The Providing of Amazon Prime Wardrobe

Recently, I have purchased a new fragrance from the Body Shop store, and I was hesitant by their prices. My friend told me that this company has high-quality products, while their prices are above the average on the market. My perceived risk was associated with the financial side of the purchase. When I shared my concerns with the salesperson, the answer was that they have a money-back guarantee option. To return the products, customers should have a receipt, and they can also exchange them or receive a gift card (Sanidewi & Paramita, 2018). I consider that this decision eliminates the perceived financial risks of customers.

By providing Prime Wardrobe, Amazon decreases functional, physical, and financial types of perceived risk. When a customer can try clothes before buying them, he or she is more likely to order more items. The functionality and fit of a certain dress or T-shirt can be tested by customers, which eliminates the fear that the chosen dress would not fit their body or self-perception (Arlexis, 2018; Berman et al., 2017). Therefore, I believe that Prime Wardrobe achieves its goal of offering people a more comfortable way of shopping.

From my point of view, the ease of shopping is one of the most critical factors that drive customers. Along with affordable prices and great sales, people are attracted by innovations. Amazon seems to meet all of these issues in its Prime Wardrobe that is fee-free and convenient. However, it would be better if there was a special hotline for those customers who need to consult with fashion specialists. For example, Amazon can integrate Prime Wardrobe with its Echo Look service and assign some employees with the role of helping customers, who need to access how they look in the ordered clothes.


Arlexis, S. (2018). What is Amazon Prime Wardrobe? The service lets you try on clothes before you buy — and there’s no catch. Bustle. Web.

Berman, B., Evans, J. R., & Chatterjee, P. (2017). Retail management: A strategic approach (3rd ed.). Pearson.

Sanidewi, H., & Paramita, E. L. (2018). The role of perceived green marketing and brand equity on green purchasing decision. Diponegoro International Journal of Business, 1(1), 14-25.

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