The Radisson Hotel Group’s Strategy of Reinforcing a Power

At present, the Radisson Hotel Group is rightfully considered one of the most powerful competitors in the hotel hospitality segment. Indeed, the worldwide presence of the hotel, along with the product diversity, accounts for a solid corporate and organizational culture. The primary mission of the company is to become the product of the first choice for every hotel resident regardless of their trip’s intention and destination. In order to align with this statement, Radisson Hotel Group places major emphasis on the development of culturally and functionally diverse services for various clientele types, focusing on the business segment.

Thus, for example, during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, the company made a decision to promptly develop a new product known as the Hybrid Meetings for Radisson Individuals, specializing in the provision of high-quality space for conducting online, offline, and hybris conferences. The changes were also introduced to the pattern of online hotel check-in and check-out, aiming to minimize human interaction risk.

Such a proactive approach is most likely driven by a powerful management team focusing on the strategy of horizontal integration in the market. Such a focus is manifested in the company’s core value: every moment matters. To justify this vision of hospitality, Radisson Hotel Groups outlines such goals as timely assistance, quality, and constant enhancement in the range of services presented by the hotels. Moreover, the company also aims at supporting small and medium entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry by headhunting young leaders on their team.

Undeniably, the introduction of such products as Radisson Blu, Radisson Red, Park Inn, and Radisson Meetings benefits the personalized approach to hospitality management, yet the company itself does not invest in product localization across culturally diverse markets. While, on the one hand, such a strategy may appear as a path of least resistance, the socio-political context requires cultural sensitivity to be meaningful for business. Considering the information above, it may be concluded that the Radisson Hotel Group has a successful strategy of reinforcing its power in the hospitality market, but the aspects of product localization might be added to the agenda as a part of corporate philosophy.

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