Waste Management in Hospitality and Tourism Management


Waste is considered an end product of a particular product that is no longer useful. In the present day, following industrialization and advancements in technology, there has been a rise in the total waste produces by industries and households. The end repercussions of these increases are a massive degeneration of the ecology following environmental pollution. Every person, industry, or human activity carried out produces some waste. There are different types of waste, including solid municipal waste, industrial waste, radioactive waste, fossil waste, and sewage sludge. To be able to save the world from destruction, it is therefore of great salience that everyone takes responsibility for managing waste.

Waste Production

Although there is a surge in waste production, it is key to note this is mainly caused by the way we live. A zero-waste lifestyle is almost impossible, but if everyone reforms their way of using various products, the amount of waste produced will be minimized. Strategies that reduce needs, such as reuse of wastes, recycling, and compost, can be employed to try and attain a zero-waste lifestyle (Pujara et al., 2019). People should also seek adequate knowledge on waste management.

Having a positive mindset on the efforts of waste management is crucial. Therefore, everyone should change their worldview and picture a future society that is free of waste. To attain such, a fundamental shift in individual state of consciousness and a change in product production, consumption, and waste management is important. As such is the vision of 2030, in which we hope to have attained a remarkable achievement (Hantoko et al., 2021). In these efforts, however, various aspects of life have to change, such as the replacement of economic models. A green economy should be developed that can lead to economic growth while preserving the environment.

Unlike other forms of waste, such as industrial waste, Household waste is easily manageable. Simple steps can be employed to manage the waste efficiently. Home waste mostly consists of food products, and households can minimize such by preparing what is enough and preserving any remains. This will not only manage waste but also saves money. The use of plastic bags should be avoided, and the use of reusable bags be embraced (Massoudet al., 2021). Homes should also opt for using renewable forms of energy such as solar systems.

Despite having significant policies for managing waste, little has been achieved. This is a result of various obstacles that bar waste management. This includes a lack of public knowledge on the various strategies for controlling waste (Agyeiwaah, 2020). The current economy that does not regard ecology has led to devastating effects. There are no adequately established legislation and regulations on waste production. Governments should have dire outlined policies that give punitive measures for any person or industry that improperly disposes of its waste. Recycling waste is also difficult due to the inadequate of such factories and skilled personnel.

I believe that my household has the potential to achieve a zero-waste lifestyle. This is so that it is easy to follow the laid-out measures. Having a plan for our expenditure on food can aid in managing food waste (Mihai & Ingrao, 2018). We shall also adhere to the laid regulations, such as avoiding plastic bags. Since the house is well supplied with water for use and drinking, there will be no need for bottled water.

Industrial waste poses the greatest threat to the world’s environment. Therefore, corporations ought to take measures to achieve zero waste production. These efforts, however, can be faced with some pros and cons. Some advantages will benefit both the corporation and the society. Outcomes such as environmental preservation enhance the health status of the general population. The corporation will also relieve its budget by reusing some products instead of buying new ones. However, it can be disadvantageous to the corporation. This is because it consumes a lot of energy and time (Agyeiwaah, 2020). If the corporation is an industrial firm, the quality of its products can be reduced due to the reuse of raw materials.

Sustainable living requires the creation of an existence in which there is minimized use of earth resources and reduced damage to human and environmental interactions. Though humans strive to live sustainably, they will still produce waste (Esmaeilian et al., 2018). This is because there has to be an end waste product in every interaction with the resources. However, the rate of waste production will be at is minimal. However, sustainable living will facilitate effective management of the waste produced.


In conclusion, waste production has been on the rise, and its effects on the environment are inevitable. Households have played a major role in the production of solid waste. This, therefore, has caused a need to intervene and control waste production. Measures such ad banning plastic materials can help in controlling the waste. Corporations can also embark on the goal, but they should consider the cons and pros resulting from it. To achieve the goal of ecological conservation, humans should work towards living sustainably on the earth.


Agyeiwaah, E. (2020). The contribution of small accommodation enterprises to sustainable solid waste management. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 44, 1-9.

Esmaeilian, B., Wang, B., Lewis, K., Duarte, F., Ratti, C., & Behdad, S. (2018). The future of waste management in smart and sustainable cities: A review and concept paper. Waste management, 81, 177-195.

Hantoko, D., Li, X., Pariatamby, A., Yoshikawa, K., Horttanainen, M., & Yan, M. (2021). Challenges and practices on waste management and disposal during COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Environmental Management, 286, 112140.

Massoud, M., Lameh, G., Bardus, M., & Alameddine, I. (2021). Determinants of waste management practices and willingness to pay for improving waste services in a low-middle income country. Environmental Management, 68(2), 198-209.

Mihai, F. C., & Ingrao, C. (2018). Assessment of biowaste losses through unsound waste management practices in rural areas and the role of home composting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 1631-1638.

Pujara, Y., Pathak, P., Sharma, A., & Govani, J. (2019). Review on Indian Municipal Solid Waste Management practices for reduction of environmental impacts to achieve sustainable development goals. Journal of environmental management, 248, 109238.

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StudyCorgi. "Waste Management in Hospitality and Tourism Management." April 13, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/waste-management-in-hospitality-and-tourism-management/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Waste Management in Hospitality and Tourism Management." April 13, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/waste-management-in-hospitality-and-tourism-management/.

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