The RETRO SUN Company Business Goals


Currently, the planet is under significant threat of global warming following the excessive usage of fossil fuel products. Businesses and other relevant organizations are concerned with finding a long-term solution to end the issue of the greenhouse effect.


Following the demand for other sources of energy that are renewable across the globe, the RETRO SUN business enterprise is opting to venture into the market to facilitate the production of renewable sources of power. The company will focus majorly on two types of products. First, it should manufacture and sell solar panels to customers. The commodity should target areas that are more likely to receive adequate sun exposure to provide the necessary energy. The second product will be wind turbines for harnessing wind power. The solar panels should be made having different sizes and strong watts to enhance efficiency in energy production.

Apart from making the mentioned commodities, RETRO SUN will partner with other firms that deal with geothermal, hydropower, and ocean energy. The aim will be to offer new ideas and technologies that can be used to better the production of sustainable power for consumers. RETRO SUN should form a partnership with companies such as Brookfield Renewable Partner LP, and First Solar Inco Company to enable the enterprise to access large markets in the sector. Furthermore, RETRO SUN business organization should establish its operations in Africa and other parts of Asia. The emerging markets will be a viable place to venture for the firm. In addition, RETRO SUN will venture into regions along the coastal regions especially in North and South America. The mentioned locations are suitable for producing efficient wind power to provide needed energy.


With the help of existing and contemporary technologies, RETRO SUN will ensure it works together with other firms to enhance improvement in the production of renewable sources of energy in the new future.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, December 5). The RETRO SUN Company Business Goals.

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