The Role and Contribution of Galileo Galilei: Annotated Bibliography

Research Question: Why is Galileo the central figure of the scientific Revolution?

Thesis: Galileo Galilei is the hero of modern science after pioneering the experimental scientific method, making important astronomical discoveries, and developing critical scientific ideas and theories that influenced the Scientific Revolution in the 17th century.

Brooks, Christopher David. Western Civilization: A Concise History. Portland Community College, 2019.

The book provides crucial information about western civilization with a significant focus on European education. As per the author, European understanding of the natural world changed in the 17th century. Galileo is shown as one of the dominant and influential figures in various scientific fields, including astronomy and mathematics. Thus, the source is useful in explaining the role and contribution of Galileo to the Scientific Revolution and modern science.

Drago, Antonino. “What Was the Role of Galileo in the Century-Long Birth of Modern Science?” Philosophia Scientiæ, vol. 21, no. 1, 2017, pp. 35-54. Web.

Antonino Drago focuses on the role of Galileo in the emergence of modern science. The author defines and explains modern science and how Galileo came into the picture. What is important in the article is how Galileo contributed to the development of scientific methodology. Therefore, this is an essential source that directly answers the research question.

Galilei, Galileo. “The Assayer.” Translated by Stillman Drake. 1623. Web.

“The Assayer” is a book containing Galileo’s ideas on the scientific method. Throughout the book, Galileo answers hard questions asked by his critics, including Sarsi. Galileo argues at the begging that Sarsi is wrong to think that modern philosophy must conform to the reasoning of others. The book provides Galileo’s ideas on mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy. Thus, the article is essential in understanding how Galileo developed his ideas that significantly influenced the Scientific Revolution.

Sj, Louis Caruana. “From Water to the Stars: A Reinterpretation of Galileo’s Style.” Substantia, vol. 1, no. 1, 2017, pp. 49-53. Web.

In the article, the author focuses on analyzing and expounding the little-known facts about Galileo. The style of Galileo’s approach to scientific knowledge and ideologies receives much attention. According to the author, Galileo had a specific technique characterized by auxiliary hypotheses while developing his claims. The attribute is unique to Galileo and sets him apart from his counterparts. The article is useful in understanding the little facts about Galileo that contributed to his success.

Zanatta, Alberto, et al. “Galileo Galilei: Science vs. Faith.Global cardiology science & practice, no. 2, 2017, pp. 1-10. Web.

In the article, the authors examine Galileo’s life history in detail. While the analysis showcases how his life oscillated between science and religious beliefs, the authors also describe Galileo’s major contribution to science. Among the mentioned items are the inventions of the compass and telescope. The authors also provide an honest opinion regarding Galileo’s continuous struggle to defend science from religious influence. Indeed, it is an appropriate scholarly source that provides immense information crucial for answering the research question.

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