The Role of College Students in Missionary Movements: Embracing Opportunities for God’s Purpose


College is a period of life when a person has many opportunities. Our thoughts and knowledge can guide us on the proper path and help us find our place. During college, we can gain many options that will lead us to create missionary movements to achieve God’s purposes.

Student Transformations During College from a Christian Perspective

The movements discussed in the video started with college students for several reasons. First, the Second Great Awakening, which occurred in the United States in the early 19th century, brought new energy to the country’s religious life (Natthawut Sukphiromkasem, 2014). This movement emphasized personal conversion, emotional worship, and social reform. Many college students were involved in this movement and felt inspired and drawn to the religious mission. Secondly, colleges provide a platform for students to exchange ideas and interact with others. This allows them to unite and create groups with shared interests and goals, such as missionary work.

Additionally, college students are transitioning as they find their place in the world and form their values and beliefs. This is when they often question their purpose and meaning in life, and missionary work can be one way to find answers to these questions. Thus, college students become vital in student mission movements because they have enthusiasm, freedom of thought, and access to college resources and support. They represent the future and can inspire others through their example and active missionary work.

As an undergraduate student, I have many tools to play a role in God’s mission without waiting for some future. I can use my knowledge and examples to achieve success and help others. I can devote my life to applying the principles of the Bible and being a witness to true religion. I can start a movement to achieve a goal for the common good, provide access to information and knowledge for others, and help others understand and follow the right path.


In conclusion, in my journey through college, I must see myself not just as a student but as an active participant in God’s mission. By appreciating the opportunities college provides, I can become an instrument for God and create a missionary movement to advance His mission.


Natthawut Sukphiromkasem. (2014). A short history of student missions on Vimeo [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "The Role of College Students in Missionary Movements: Embracing Opportunities for God’s Purpose." March 16, 2025.


StudyCorgi. "The Role of College Students in Missionary Movements: Embracing Opportunities for God’s Purpose." March 16, 2025.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "The Role of College Students in Missionary Movements: Embracing Opportunities for God’s Purpose." March 16, 2025.

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