The Profound and Pervasive Impact of past Psychological Knowledge
The scope of psychological knowledge accumulated throughout history if the development of this science has dramatically determined how it influences people’s lives. As Zimbardo (2004) states, some aspects of psychology have become so common for people that they take them for granted and utilized in multiple spheres. One such sphere is parenting, where the application of psychological theories and methods determines the outcomes of children’s upbringing. Indeed, out of several psychologically developed parenting styles, the most favored one is the authoritative style, which allows for establishing both control and freedom for a child while brought up (Zimbardo, 2004). Thus, people across the globe use psychological approaches to raise children.
Highlights of Psychology’s Real World Relevance
Social psychology is of particular relevance to people’s real-world lives, where the methodologies and research combine to guide the development of human interactions and behaviors in various domains. In the field of education, as exemplified by Zimbardo (2004), the use of Elliot’s jigsaw classroom allowed for merging socializing and academic performance by integrating minority children into the learning process. Since children were allocated indispensable information for working in small groups, it allowed to minimize violence and discrimination, as well as increased the level of academic performance of minority kids.
An Idealized Example of Psychology Applied Globally
The contemporary high level of technology significance is also intertwined with psychology for social impact purposes. Indeed, when viewed from the perspective of family planning promotion, the application of Bandura’s sociocognitive theory is one of such manifestations (Zimbardo, 2004). This theory implies the decisive role of “social models in shaping desired behaviors” (Zimbardo, 2004, p. 347). In such a manner, the plots of popular soap operas where characters practice effective family planning techniques are a powerful tool in triggering the same behavior in numerous populations of viewers. Thus, psychology is an inherent part of everyday human life.
Upon reading the article by Zimbardo (2004), I managed to deepen my understanding of the omnipresence of psychological knowledge in the modern world. The wide range of spheres, where psychological theories apply and produce significant outcomes, is impressive. I was surprised to learn that such global issues as family planning or disease prevention might be approached from the perspective of psychological research, methods, and theories.
Zimbardo, P. G. (2004). Does psychology make a significant difference in our lives? American Psychologist, 59(5), 339-351.