The Roundabouts and Reasons to Abolish Them

A roundabout is an area on the road where several routes become one, and all vehicles drive in the same direction to another lane. In other words, it is an example of a traffic circle that aims at facilitating the transition from one road to another. The question of whether roundabouts have more advantages or disadvantages is disputable. From one point of view, it is the logical and traditional way to organize traffic. From another perspective, it is rather unsafe due to its complexity, which leads to traffic jams and car accidents. The main reason to abolish roundabouts is the risk to traffic safety they cause.

Roundabouts are difficult for drivers to master, which causes uncertainty, especially among those people who do not have much experience. All drivers have to be attentive when they start moving on the roundabout because there is a chance that they will bump into another car. This issue is aggravated by the fact that the trucks, the vehicles, and the bikes move in the same traffic flow, and they cannot choose another lane on the roundabout. This situation is potentially dangerous for bikes, which can be unnoticed in heavy traffic. All vehicles need to stop or move slower before the roundabout, leading to traffic jams when many cars are on the road. As a result, emergency cars have difficulties moving on the roundabouts when the traffic is heavy, and it causes additional problems.

Therefore, the roundabouts are confusing for navigation and dangerous for bikes, making them unsafe. The number of car accidents increases when vehicles use roundabouts. Moreover, roundabouts are associated with traffic jams when many cars are on the road. It causes significant problems for emergency services because other vehicles cannot choose another lane on the roundabout. These issues are essential for the roads’ safety, making them worth attention.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, January 18). The Roundabouts and Reasons to Abolish Them.

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StudyCorgi. 2024. "The Roundabouts and Reasons to Abolish Them." January 18, 2024.

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