The Russian Federation Constitution’s Features


The Russian Federation Constitution was adopted by a national referendum on 12th December 1993. The Constitution’s creation involved drafting from the constitutional conference that more than 800 participants attended. In most cases, Anatoly Sobchak, Sergei Alexeyev, and Sergey Shakhray are considered the Constitution’s initial co-authors. After its formation, it was effected on 25th December 1993 when it was officially published, and it led to the abolishment of the soviet system of government. Therefore, this essay aims to discuss this Constitution revised in 2014.

Main body

The Constitution governs the multinational people of the Russian Federation. In addition, this Constitution creates a democratic, federative, law-based state that has a republican system of government. The executive, Judicial and legislative departments are the central government, and they usually divide state power among themselves. Diverseness of religions and ideas is authorized such that a compulsory or state concept may not be adopted. Increasingly, however, violation of human rights relating to religious groups referred to as extremists has been rampant. The central government also supports the right to a multiparty political system. The content of the law is supposed to be supported by the public before taking effect, and they are supposed to be formed according to international principles and rules. Although Russian is the proclaimed state language, the republics of the federation are permitted to develop their state language. Therefore, the central government provides numerous benefits to the people of Russia while protecting their rights, as stated in the Constitution.

The government structure of the Russian Federation has a close similarity with the western cabinet structure, such that it consists of a president, Prime minister, deputy prime ministers, and federal ministers and their ministries and departments. The President is elected by national vote and serves for a maximum of two years. In addition, the President is the head of state and has the power of appointing the prime minister, cabinet members, and Key judges. The President is also the Commander-in-chief of armed forces and can declare a state of emergency or martial law. In instances where legislature does not pass the President’s legislative initiatives, the President can issue decrees that have the force of law. The prime minister executes administration tasks under laws and Constitution and presidential orders. The government ministries numbered 24 carry out monetary and credit policies and defense, foreign policy, and state security operations; take measures against crime, property protection, and make the certain rule of law and respect for human civil rights. Russia’s government structure generally ensures perfect coordination between government institutions to ensure effective operations.

The Federal Assembly, which is considered the Russian legislature of the Russian Federation, makes the laws. The Assembly comprises Federation Council, the upper house, and state Duma, the lower house. All rules are supposed to be voted in by the Federal Assembly before converting to law. At first, the lower house considers all bills, including those suggested by the upper house. After the bill is adopted by the majority of the entire lower house membership, a draft law is reviewed by the upper house that has fourteen days to put the bill on its calendar. The upper house cannot change the bills passed by the Duma, but it can either reject or accept them. When the upper house rejects bills passed by the lower house, the two chambers must form a conciliation committee to comprise the legislation. With the co-operation in the Federal Assembly, the two chambers ensure laws are made as directed by the Constitution.

Different agencies are responsible for enforcing various laws in Russian Federation. The primary law enforcement agency is the Russian police, the central investigative agency is the Russian investigative committee, and the federal security service is the principal internal security agency. On the other hand, the Russian judiciary executes the interpretation and application of Russian laws. Judiciary is defined under the law and Constitution with a hierarchical framework such that Supreme Court and constitutional court ranked the highest. The regional courts are the main appellate courts, while the district courts are the primary criminal trial courts. The judiciary and law enforcement agencies ensure that the laws are implemented and complied with as stated in the Constitution.

Every person in the Russian Federation has the right to education, a favorable environment, and freedom of intellectual, literacy, scientific, artistic, and other creative activities. Citizens also enjoy the freedom of practicing and enjoying their cultural life as well as pursuing their cultural heritage and value. The clauses that protect these rights and liberties take the form of state protection, whereby the freedoms and rights of citizens and men are guaranteed. Additionally, these clauses ensure that the rights and freedoms are not violated and are complied with equally and effectively. However, state protection can be enforced against those it protects if the federation has a compelling interest it seeks to protect, but the court can uphold these restrictions.

Chapter nine of the Russian Federation constitution outlines the procedures of amending the Constitution. Suggestions on the formal change to as well as rewriting of the provisions of the Russian Federation constitution can be forwarded by the lower house, the President, upper house, legislative bodies’ constituent entities of the Russian Federation and by groups with more than one-fifth of the members of the lower house of deputies of the lower house. Suppose the amendment involves updating the alteration of the republic’s name of the Russian Federation. In that case, it is implemented by an order from the President to bring the name of the republic of the Russian federation in the text of the Constitution depending on the republic’s decision. When amending chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, a unique form of an act called the Russian Federation law on changes to the Constitution is used by the parliament. In general, during the constitution change, the people of the Russian Federation are represented by the Federation Council and State Duma, who interpret the Constitution to change its meaning and application.

The executive and international law are the other parts of the Russian Federation system that are not authorized in the Constitution but help it operate effectively. In addition, the people’s constituent power has been institutionalized to provide rise to the written Constitution. It is usually exercised through the unavoidable constitution-making procedure, and it shapes Constitution during amendments. A plurality of peoples is used whereby the constituent power is exercised in constrained and shaped by two sets of people: each republic in the Russian Federation and people of the federation as a whole.


In conclusion, the Russian Federation constitution adopted in 1993 is better than the other constitutions that existed prior years. Numerous amendments have been made to the Constitution, but all these amendments aim to improve it to make it better. In addition, this Constitution provides more liberties and rights to its citizen to ensure that they are not restricted from diverseness. Although some Amendments have negatively affected the Russian Federation, their benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Work Cited

Constitution of Russian Federation (1993, Revised 2014). 2021, pp. 1-42, Web.

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