The Same-Sex Marriages: Social Aspects


The recommendation that would be made to Chris is that his views of ‘places of worship to be obligate to perform same-sex marriages’ is untrue. The first reason is that people in society have different ways of accepting other individual’s sexual orientation, such as same-sex marriage (María et al., 2022). Hence, it is essential to respect the ideologies of different places of worship. The second recommendation is that Chris should try understanding that every person has their own beliefs and ideologies. It is caused by the existence of freedom of expression and the ability to understand the different intercultural communication competencies. Hence, Chris was free to feel the way he does, which does not mean there are no places of worship that perform same-sex marriages. The third recommendation is that Chris should be able to respect the way people choose to do their things. It is because social contexts significantly impact people’s behaviors, which are better built through socialization. Therefore, interaction and communication broaden one’s perspective.


When it comes to Terry, the recommendation is that he should continue to have a positive way of thinking, as he believes that the place of worship should not be obligated, but want to. This shows that there is freedom, and something has to be done willingly, not from the point of duty. Additionally, marriage is considered sacred and hence should not be forced to be performed. The second recommendation is that there are movements that offer same-sex marriage willingly without being obligated to do this. Terry can make it possible for Chris to understand that there are freedoms for LGBTQ now than in years back (Romero, 2020). Also, the movements have an existing place, where same-sex marriages take place. Lastly, it would be beneficial for Terry to advice Chris that LGBTQ couples not only do they have a chance of getting married normally, but also attending worship centers like typical people. This advice can provide affirmation to Chris that indeed the LGBTQ individuals are ordinary people with different sexual orientations.


María, S., Aliagas, L., & Rutten, C. (2022). Youth’s literary socialisation practices online: A systematic review of research. Learning. Culture and Social Interaction, 34. Web.

Romero, M. (2020). Sociology engaged in social justice. American Sociological Review, 85(1), 1–30. Web.

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