“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and “About Time” Comparison

I have recently watched several romantic comedies that seem to be quite engaging and thought-provoking. In particular, I would like to speak about The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and About Time. Both of them were released in 2013. Although these movies differ in terms of plot, character development, and cinematography, they focus on very similar themes. In particular, in both cases, film-makers discuss the ardent longing of many people to change their lives; moreover, the authors show that, very often, individuals hope for a miracle that can help them achieve this goal. In their turn, the film-makers demonstrate that such an attitude is by no means effective. In my opinion, each of these movies can be quite entertaining.

It should be mentioned that these films include a fantastic element. For example, in the film About Time, Time Lake, who is the protagonist, discovers that he has a miraculous ability to travel back in time. This new ability enables him to embark on many adventures. For example, he attempts to establish relations with a woman who he adores. This element of the plot helps the film-makers create make many scenes that can set the audience laughing.

For example, one can mention his attempts to correct his slips of the tongue during his date. In turn, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty depicts a person who is tired of the constant monotony that underlies his life. Furthermore, he wants to perceive himself as a courageous traveler or even an astronaut. More importantly, he cannot pluck up his courage to talk to a woman who is his new colleague. In this case, comedic moments arise due to the conflict between Mitty’s daydreaming and reality.

These are some of the details that attracted my attention. Furthermore, in both cases, the characters understand that hopes for a miracle, and daydreaming may not resolve their problems. This is the main similarity that attracted my attention.

Nevertheless, there are some important differences that should be considered. For example, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is more related to corporate culture and its impact on a person. In his turn, the main character tries to escape from this routine. So, to some degree, this film can be viewed as a satire of modern society. In turn, About Time is more related to family relations and their extreme fragility. Furthermore, these movies differ significantly in terms of cinematography and plot development. So, one should suppose that they are completely interchangeable.

Overall, I can say that these movies are certainly worth watching because they portray convincing characters and unexpected twists of the plot. The comedic moments, which are incorporated in these films, can prompt people to re-evaluate some of their worldviews. Certainly, they may differ in terms of plot and characters. Yet, they eloquently demonstrate the way in which a person may try to change one’s life and how often people simply long for a miracle that can assist them. These are the main issues that I can now distinguish.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 7). “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and “About Time” Comparison. https://studycorgi.com/the-secret-life-of-walter-mitty-and-about-time-comparison/

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1. StudyCorgi. "“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and “About Time” Comparison." March 7, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/the-secret-life-of-walter-mitty-and-about-time-comparison/.


StudyCorgi. "“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and “About Time” Comparison." March 7, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/the-secret-life-of-walter-mitty-and-about-time-comparison/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and “About Time” Comparison." March 7, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/the-secret-life-of-walter-mitty-and-about-time-comparison/.

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