The Series of “Harry Potter” by Joanne Rowling


The works of the British novelist Rowling collectively referred to as the Harry Potter series, are classified as fantasy. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley are all enrolled at Hogwarts School in the novels. Major plot points revolve around Harry’s battle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who wants to rule over all magicians and muggles (non-magical individuals), and become immortal in the process. The Harry Potter book series has been an international phenomenon ever since the publication of the first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, in 1997. They have received their fair share of criticism, with some viewers upset by the consistently grim tone and the frequent depictions of evil and violence. Many consider the Harry Potter series to be the foundation of contemporary young adult fiction, fantasy, and learning, and it has a large following among adults and children.

Detailed Analysis

Like the best superheroes, Harry Potter has two distinct sides to his character: his public and private selves. Before and during his time as a student at Hogwarts, Harry Potter is the loathed and abused ward of the disgusting Dursley family (Rowling, “Philosopher’s Stone” 45). Nevertheless, after he enrolls at Hogwarts, Harry is a student and apprentice champion, literally destined for greatness. When he was a baby, Harry Potter survived a magical attack from Lord Voldemort. The two of them are now in a frantic struggle against time to determine who will be the superior heir of the Hogwarts School, a battle between good and evil.

The success of Rowling’s work can be gauged by the fact that Harry is not merely unmatched but unsurpassable at embracing a kind of stunning fantasy. Harry Potter is marvelously enticing to children, particularly those who feel divested even of the constrained types of control that children can exercise over their friends. Recurring discussions of various gadgets and pieces of equipment further illuminate the technological aspects of Harry Potter’s enchantment and the cynical worldview underlying it. Rowling continues to describe several magical innovations that are both practical and resourceful in the Harry Potter books (Yu et al. 160). These are typically spoken off-hand in the story’s progression, which helps keep things fresh while also conveying the feel of the supernatural and magical worlds. As such, they appear to be especially useful in conveying just how hopeless the world in question actually is.

Harry Potter’s humanity and the ease with which his inventions can be used are central to the series’ charm and humor. A silver cigarette lighter-looking device called a “put-outer” was used by Professor Dumbledore to turn off all the street lights on a Muggle street in the British capital, marking the first significant usage of technology in the book (Rowling, “Sorcerer’s Stone” 12). Some of Professor Dumbledore’s contemporaries considered him the greatest magician ever (Yuliasri and Allen 120). These fascinating tools and equipment keep popping up in the series’ many installments. Non-explosive luminous balloons, the ink that switches colors, and no-heat fireworks are only a few examples (Rowling, “Chamber of Secrets” 150; Rowling, “Goblet of Fire” 48). There were also tools called Omnioculars, which functioned like binoculars but allowed the user to slow down and play back whatever they were observing (Rowling, “Prisoner of Azkaban” 86). Unfortunately, some readers have the wrong idea about whether or not Harry Porter’s magic is similar to how it is practiced now with technological advancement.

Like technologies in the control of a qualified professional, magic in the setting of Harry Potter was employed to make things work and create new things, such as aircraft that can fly and refrigerators that can retain stuff cold. However, in a way sufficiently mysterious to the people who employ them, these fruits of practical discipline might also be the products of magic (Dharmesti and Ramendra 82). Harry Potter is an enthusiast who uses his powers to benefit his friends and acquaintances (Tribe et al. 101802). He means no damage to good people and will only take action against those threatening them.

Harry Potter’s fantastic writing entertains children all across the world and harkens back to a time when fairy tales and other thrilling works were widely read and enjoyed. Hogwarts’ magic is intended to bring about world peace and is reserved for good individuals like Harry Potter. The conclusion of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone gives readers something to ponder and helps them see beyond surface truths (Rowling 190). It indeed takes a community to nurture a child effectively. Harry and his acquaintances overcame many challenges they encountered by working together. Hermione and Harry represent most readers in the novel because they are unselfish when it concerns other individuals. Most people feel the same way about doing all they can to keep other people safe.


The Harry Potter novels by the British author Joanne Rowling fall into the fantasy genre. The Harry Potter series has put some viewers off because of the books’ consistently somber tone and frequent portrayal of evil and violence. The Harry Potter series is considered by many to be the cornerstone of contemporary fiction, fantasy, and learning. The fact that Harry is not just unique but unconquerable when embracing a kind of stunning fantasy indicates success in Rowling’s work. In the Harry Potter universe, magic was used to make things work and create new things, much like technologies under the control of a qualified professional. By working together, Harry and his friends overcame many of the obstacles they faced.

Works Cited

Dharmesti, Putri, and Dewa Ramendra. “An Analysis of Speech Act Used in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Movie.” International Journal of Language and Literature, vol. 3, no. 2, 2019, pp. 78-88.

Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Raincoast Books, 1999.

  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Scholastic Press, 2000.
  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Bloomsbury, 1997.
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Bloomsbury, 1999.
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Scholastic Press, 1998.

Tribe, Kelsey, et al. ““It Just Gives People Hope”: A Qualitative Inquiry into the Lived Experience of the Harry Potter World in Mental Health Recovery.” The Arts in Psychotherapy, vol. 74, 2021, p. 101802.

Yu, Helen, et al. “Teaching Leadership with Popular Culture: Practical Lessons from Harry Potter.” Journal of Public Affairs Education, vol. 28, no. 2, 2022, pp. 156-181.

Yuliasri, Issy, and Pamela Allen. “Humor Loss in the Indonesian Translation of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol. 9, no. 1, 2019, pp. 119-127.

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