Rowling’s “Harry Potter” Book and Movie Differences


People passionate about reading books try not to disregard films based on the stories described in their favorite writings. However, many film adaptations have inconsistencies with the books, and some scenes may not coincide with the events written on paper, and readers rarely understand why. One of the main reasons why movies are different from books is the time limit. According to McDonald, films should not be longer than 3 hours, and directors should correctly fit voluminous books into a short film (43). Consequently, some book moments can be changed to make the movie exciting.

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Harry Potter is one of the most common examples of differences in the book and films, as small moments of describing the appearance of the heroes and the world around them became a complicated task for directors. However, the talent of the teams, directed by Chris Columbus, that worked on the Harry Potter movies became one of the most viewed (Plath et al. 183). I believe that books are better versions of the stories as readers can visualize situations individually, and reading satisfaction increases. Moreover, many film directors see stories from different angles, and their views and interpretation may differ from most readers. Harry Potter is not an exception, and after reading all books, the films become less attractive as many vital scenes are missing. Nevertheless, many prefer watching movies to reading books because it takes less time (Dukes 169). Chris Columbus and his team managed to transfer most of the moments from numerous books into short movies.


To conclude everything stated so far, each person perceives books and films differently. Some people can judge movies based on books, while others, on the contrary, support adaptations. In my opinion, texts present readers with more comprehensive information about the heroes and the story in general. Moreover, while reading a book, people might experience more emotions than watching films.

Works Cited

McDonald, Kevin. Film Theory. Routledge, 2016.

Dukes, Tyler Jean. “Sacred Time and Ritualistic Behavior at Harry Potter Book Releases and Film Premieres”. The Phoenix Papers, vol. 2, no. 2, 2016, pp. 168-184.

Plath, James, et al. The 100 Greatest Literary Chapters. Rowman & Littlefield, 2019.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Rowling’s “Harry Potter” Book and Movie Differences." February 16, 2023.

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