The Super Bowl’s Impact on Work Attendance & Cultural Significance

The Super Bowl is the championship game of the National Football League (NFL) held annually between mid-January and mid-February. In 2020, the game will take place on February 3rd, and so far the event has gained a good deal of traction. 2020 Super Bowl LIV is featuring a great number of storylines to follow with the most prominent being the fight between a dominant defense, 49ers, and a dominant defense, Chiefs. The battle royal promises to be spectacular as both teams are extremely good on the other side of the ball. Besides, both the 49ers and Chiefs had to overcome adversity to get to the finals.

Given what teams are going to face each other in the biggest game, the 2020 Super Bowl is likely to become a classic to be remembered. The Super Bowl LIV will be of interest not only to sports fans but also to anyone who is curious about US cultural phenomena. Each year, there is a lot of scandals unfolding around the championship game with polarizing opinions and wide news coverage. It is safe to say that Super Bowl followership has become a full-fledged social movement uniting people of different genders, ages, races, and backgrounds.

The news about the upcoming game has already influenced the order of things in the US. For example, Goodwin (2020) reports that a survey has discovered that as many as 17.5 million Americans will stay at home on Monday instead of going to work. Interestingly enough, while 14 million workers will have a pre-approved day, 3.5 million will call in sick without an actual illness. Another big change is safety precautions including fighter jets that have been undertaken to protect Florida residents (Margol, 2020). In the light of these events, one may conclude that while events this large are culturally significant and indicative of a positive development, they may also lead to workforce shortages and safety issues.

Reference List

Goodwin, J. (2020). ‘Super Bowl Fever’: Millions of employees expect to ditch work Monday, survey finds. Web.

Morgol, I. (2020). Super Bowl LIV safety reaches up into the South Florida skies. Web.

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