The Arrow of Time: Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives


The basic issue of concern for physics and philosophers nowadays is defining the direction of the time arrow. The arrow of time is known to be directed in the future. This means that all the events are arranged in chronological order, and human mind is adapted to such organization. However, the flow of time is beyond any laws of physics and mechanics.

Indeed, the simple example of inability of a broken cup to rejoin does not contradict to the laws of physics, by the same means proving that the issue of time arrow does not originate from this discipline, and does not subordinate to its laws. Therefore, the main task today is defining the sphere which the arrow of time belongs to.

Another important point is existence of the individual perception of time arrow. There is an evidence that one’s personal entropy may influence their vision of time arrow. This suggests that there is no universal definition of time arrow direction, as different individuals may have different perceptions.

One of the possible ways to reveal the secret of time arrow is trying to apply its laws to some physical objects. Such experiments allow studying the symmetrical or asymmetrical nature of certain issues.

The origin of time arrow is also assumed to be in cosmological sciences. The example of a star in a box proves the possibility of such origin. The only doubtful point here is that people cannot be sure whether the Universe is extending or going down.

All in all, it can be concluded that the nature of time arrow is still unexplored, and it remains a counter point for philosophers and scientists. The first step offered by the author in order to resolve the problem of time arrow is “understand sufficiently the effects of our arrow on our way of thinking”, which needs to be done in order to avoid the false attempts to reveal the secret of the issue (Pegg, 47).

Why cannot the arrow of time be considered as an issue of physics origin?

The arrow of time cannot be considered to originate from physics, as far as the fundamental laws of physics are proved to be time-symmetric. This suggests that they do not consider the arrow of time as one of their variables. Therefore, time arrow cannot obtain laws of physics, which eliminates the possibility of its physics origin.

What did the author try to prove, when he gave the example with the numbers 230541?

With the help of this number the author tried to show that there can be different perceptions of the same objects by different individuals. In case with the number given, the author notes that some people may decode it as a birth date, others may perceive it as a range of numerals, etc. The author concludes that “Macrostate which contains only one microstate is only half as likely as a monotonic state” (Pegg, 44)

What three variables does the author analyze in order to prove that the Universe is neither expanding, nor decreasing?

First, the author analyzes the Universe, showing that its size fluctuates. Second, he mentions a cup, which can change its state from whole into broken. And last, the author analyzes the human memory, which is capable of recalling the both states of a cup, but which can only recall the whole state another time. The similarity between the three cases proved the author’s hypothesis about the dynamics of the Universe.

Reference List

Pegg, D 1999 ‘Time’s Arrow: Why the Solution Remains so Elusive’, Science Spectra, no. 17, pp. 42-47.

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StudyCorgi. "The Arrow of Time: Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives." March 7, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "The Arrow of Time: Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives." March 7, 2021.

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