The U.S. Media’s Problems

Profit Motive Influence

Like any other organization that is profit-oriented and depends on various profit motives, media decide what they should report in society. Moreover, getting the most significant audience is the objective of multiple media profit motive, which indicates the possibility or availability of substantial returns (Hamborg et al. 391). For instance, the media house tends to operate on the principles that when something is essential to society is primarily being broadcast or shown many times on the news. Besides, the current economic drives in the media industry act as the profit motives to ensure that every information broadcasted can cater to the organization’s operational expenses, such as employee salaries. Further, media house marketing departments are mandated to ensure enough aired advertisement to capture the large audience that results in a hefty profit during the broadcasting of certain news.

Ethical Considerations

Concerning the media corporation channels, ethical considerations include public interest, objectivity, bias, impartiality, and privacy. Moreover, media corporations adopt moral values that act as the opening keys for acquiring the social license to carry out their business activities in the community (Carmichael). Through ethical values, the media organizations can define their organization objectives and how business is run through a shared culture that incorporates a diverse culture of the audience. However, various individuals possess different values based on their social context, education, or upbringing that might interfere with the standard organization operation. Thus, to deal with the ethical concerns, the media corporations need to ensure that their stakeholders, such as employees, are aware of the conditions of sharing information when suitable to solve any issues or grievances that are related to their professionalism and what type of behavior is appropriate or in accordance to the organization’s values.

Sensationalism in News Reporting

The adoption and massive usage of sensationalism by various media outlets contribute to good reviews of the organization since it incorporates ethical elements per society. Moreover, various news outlets practice sensationalism to trending topics or news that target a large audience that contributes to significant profit (Garrett). However, some media outlets do not emphasize sensationalism in their broadcasting because they feel it is against their ethical value to change the information. After all, it might display negative thinking about the topic or the event. Furthermore, the media outlets that practice the sensationalism principle decide on which types of news or events need sensationalism to avoid getting into a conflict of interest with the public values or opinions. Therefore, sensationalism is essential for different events or topics such as sports to get a large audience or ratings for a particular media outlet in society.

Internet Influence on Media

Internet development has created a lot of positive and negative impacts on the various types of media. Moreover, the development of technology for the past 20 years has lowered the average level of content online, which has diminished the presence of the publishers in the business (Carmichael). However, the internet has a positive impact on journalists when it comes to newsgathering, making their work easy by filing reports from various regions and sending them to the organization for broadcasting. Additionally, the internet represents a more democratic medium of information because it acts as a form of art or expression from various sources or cultures. Moreover, the internet is responsible for bringing different cultures closer, making it more easily and quickly accessible in other parts of the world. Thus, the internet is an erupting technology and a cultural artifact in its own right, which incorporates diverse cultural opinions and views of the people.

Effects of Media Bias

Media remains one of the distinct places to create an image about significant social and political concerns in the social structure perspective. Moreover, media coverage has a significant influence on the public when it provides reliable information about various issues such as technology, environment, and risk (Hamborg et al. 392). However, the practices of mixed media bias such as partisanship, propaganda, and ideology by a particular media outlet can destroy the social structures that cost people lives. For instance, when a specific media outlet supports a specific candidate through framing, this can lead to racism and social movements, which affect the general peace in society. Therefore, with the media bias, the media outlet can get few viewers in certain regions, which harms their profit-generating.

Stiffer Rating System on Media

Rating system acts as the doorways for individuals or adults to understand which television programs are appropriate or according to their cultural values for children viewing. Moreover, a stiffer rating system should be imposed on various media outlets to ensure that any aired content is appropriate for a particular age group to avoid past issues of airing inappropriate content or program. For instance, sexual content on various television programs should be aired at a specific time. A certain age limit should be included to avoid ethical concerns that might arise due to the program. Further, stiffer rating system imposition should be necessary for the media to ensure that they provide legal and required content on TV programs, per the existing cultural values that do not interfere with the peaceful coexistence of the people. Thus, having a stiffer rating system will contribute to the successful growth of various media outlets by providing legally acceptable content in society with fewer consequences.

Tabloid Television Timing

Tabloid television programs or shows are among the income-generating activities in the media industry. Moreover, tabloid television shows contain flashy, sensationalized, and graphic events or stories against the shared values or ethics that tend to spur negative opinions within the public. For instance, most of the tabloid programs emphasize celebrity news and crime, which is meant for adult content, and airing it at any time during the day might make it uncomfortable for the parents to watch with children. Also, when the tabloid television is reserved for late-night slots, the parents can air their opinions with a lot of freedom and confidence since there are no children to judge them. Therefore, the tabloid television should be left for late-night slots, which is the best time for adults to watch and contribute their opinions towards the topic without children’s interference.

Parental Locks Influence on Television

Parents’ control is one of the broadly discussed concerns regarding media usage with their children. Moreover, with the massive spread of technology, it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their children are safe when consuming the media services (Hamborg et al. 394). For instance, there are cybercrimes and illicit content that media exposes children to, which might influence their social life negatively, such as television programs that display the usage of drugs. Besides, many parents practice optional parental control since others have less time with their family, making them have few understandings of their children’s characters. Therefore, parental control on television should be mandatory for parents to protect their children from harmful content that might result in children’s negative behaviors at school or any other social context situation. By doing so, they guarantee the morality of their children and the future of society as a whole.

Media Coverage and Political Campaigns

Sometimes the citizens seek views and analysis of various complicated political concerns. Media remains one of the industries responsible for providing such opinions and analysis, and its evolution has been based on a political perspective. Moreover, the media function on political philosophy in current society is different from the past because of the emerging technological trend, which has resulted in establishing various media laws that are not based on one political realm. For instance, the first presidential debate on television took place in the 1960 election, which made Kennedy get more public opinions due to his careful grooming and body language (Garrett).

However, more rules should be imposed on the campaign perspective to ensure that the media is equitable in providing the public with a platform that can contribute heavily to the country’s political matters. Thus, with the increase in internet usage, the imposition of strict rules is necessary to ensure equity in the amount of campaign news in the country. This helps to avoid misleading the public into voting for someone in power that is against their wish. This will aid in eradicating politicians that utilize these media outlets to further their political agenda and ignore the needs of the public.

Works Cited

Carmichael, Sarah Green. “The U.S. Media’s Problems Are Much Bigger than Fake News and Filter Bubbles.” Harvard Business Review, 2017, Web.

Garrett, R. Kelly. “Social Media’s Contribution to Political Misperceptions in U.S. Presidential Elections.” PLOS ONE, 2019, Web.

Hamborg, Felix, et al. “Automated Identification of Media Bias in News Articles: an Interdisciplinary Literature Review.” International Journal on Digital Libraries, vol. 20, no. 4, 2018, pp. 391–415. Web.

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