The Uncivil Historical Podcast Analysis


The study of history is of particular value in many aspects. Hence, first of all, it gives a profound understanding of what society was like in the past and what motivated it. Moreover, studying the experience of the past years can provide valuable insight into how best to solve acute social or political problems. Thus, this work aims to study a historical podcast called “Uncivil,” which is produced by the Gimlet Media team. This resource is helpful for those who can assist in the study of the historical events of the American Civil War and supplement the information provided in the educational institution.

The American Civil War in the podcast “Uncivil”

Further, the online audio source “Uncivil” by Gimlet Media becomes this work’s central object of study. The main topic of the podcasts produced by Jack Hitt and Chenjerai Kumanyika is the Civil War in the United States of America (“Uncivil,” 2017). This source sets itself to present various sides, opinions, and versions of how the nineteenth events affected the country’s population. In addition, as the authors state, their goal is to prove that “the past is never really past” (“Uncivil,” 2017). Thus, they emphasize the need to study historical events and their lasting effect on modernity.

Therefore, the audio source tells not only about the main events of the Civil War but also about its beginning. Additionally, the authors talk about how the social division spread to all spheres of society and turned into a terrifying and leaving a mark on the history of the country’s war. Some of the topics discussed on the podcast are covert operations, corruption, resistance, counterfeiting, and many others not usually discussed in the classroom as part of the school curriculum.

Thus, the audio source being investigated can provide a lot of valuable information and relates to course materials and content. An example of the stories that the issues are dedicated to is the narrative called “The Fugitive.” In it, the authors discuss the story of a woman who, while in slavery, decided to escape a terrible fate. However, this initiative forced her to spend her entire life on the run, which had its drawbacks but was better than being under the oppression and orders of slave owners. The story called “The Raid” tells about “a group of ex-farmers, a terrorist from Kansas, and a schoolteacher” who wanted to conduct one of the most famous covert operations (Uncivil, 2017, para. 1). All this opens up to listeners a new, more truthful, and cruel picture of the events of the nineteenth century.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that the online podcast “Uncivil” created by Gimlet media is a valuable source that provides knowledge about the Civil War in the United States. The authors attempt to provide honest and unfiltered data about events that can often be hidden from people or go unnoticed. The introduction of this source as an addition to the material and content of the course can provide significant assistance due to the information that is presented by the authors. This will form a complete picture of the Civil War and contribute to creating a more informed opinion on the problem. This is because, in this case, students will have the opportunity to see different sides of the events being discussed.


Uncivil. (2017). Gimlet.

Uncivil. (2017). The Raid. 

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